
Gearslutz is a website dedicated to pro audio engineering. It was founded in 2002 by Julian Standen, known on the site as "Jules".
The site initially began as a place for audio engineers to discuss music gear. It has since grown to include a Reviews section, a Gear Database, Q+A discussions and editorial, and the discussion area has grown to include 11 million messages.
It is the world's most popular discussion forum dedicated to music production, and according to 7,360th most popular website in the world.
Its headquarters are located in London, UK and has staff based around the world.

Notable Q & A Guests

A list of notable Audio Producers who have had .
In mid-2017, the parent company of music equipment manufacturer Behringer unsuccessfully sued a number of forum participants, including synthesizer pioneer Dave Smith, for defamation over various statements made on Gearslutz. The statements sued upon related to allegations that Behringer copies other companies' devices and exhibits other shoddy business practices.