
Geir is a masculine name commonly given in Norway and Iceland. It is derived from Old Norse geirr "spear", a common name element in Germanic names in general, from Proto-Germanic *gaizaz.
The popularity of the given name peaked in Norway during the 1950s to 1980s, with above 2% of newly born boys named Geir during the late 1960s to 1970s. As of 2014, the National statistics office of Norway recorded 22,380 men with the given name, or 0.9% of total male population.
The Old Norse spelling Geirr is also rarely given.
Geir is also rarely given in Sweden and Denmark.
While Geir was practically unused as a given name prior to the 1930s, -geir is the second element in a number of given names inherited from Old Norse, the most popularly given being
Asgeir and Torgeir. These are a remnant of a much larger group of names including the geirr element in Old Norse.

Notable people

Notable people called Geir include: