Gemini Knives
Gemini knives is a Japanese light novel series written by Hidefumi Kimura and illustrated by Keiji Gotoh with character designs by Megumi Kadonosono published by Gakken under the Megami Bunko label. The main characters are Cocoon, a popular young idol, and her manager, Chrysalis. This work is just a cover, however, for their true role as agents of the G.M.B, or "Gambit".
The first volume, subtitled C-File Girls and released on February 28, 2006, was originally serialised in Megami Magazine starting in the September 2005 issue, following a prologue published in the previous issue. A full colour pullout poster was included with each issue and reprinted in the novel. The second volume, Girls' Game Board, was released on December 29, 2006.