Gemma Lienas

Gemma Lienas Massot is a Spanish writer, feminist activist, and politician. In October 2015, she became one of Barcelona's deputies for Catalunya Sí que es Pot. She is a recipient of the medal Francesc Macia al Treball.

Early life and education

Lienas was born in Barcelona. She earned a degree in Philosophy and Literature at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.


Lienas worked as a teacher and editor before she started writing.
Her first work is "Cul de sac", a young adult novel published in 1986. She has written a series of books called “Carlota’s Diaries”, which mix fiction and nonfiction and explain to young people different subjects such as violence against women, feminism, sex and emotions, drugs and immigration and multiculturalism. She has also two series for children: "Emi & Max", where her characters live adventures in exotic places, and "Camelot’s Tribe", where a group of children solve all kind of mysteries.
Her novels aimed at adults includeEl final del Joc, Atrapada al mirall and Una nit, un somni. Each focuses on a psychological conflict.
Lienas has also published essays on various topics associated to the world of women, including Rebels, ni putes ni submises and Pornografia i vestits de núvia. Her books have been translated into several languages.

Selected works
