
GeneXus is a Cross-Platform, knowledge representation-based development tool, mainly oriented to enterprise-class applications for Web applications, smart devices and the Microsoft Windows platform. A developer describes an application in a high-level, mostly declarative language, from which native code is generated for multiple environments.
It includes a normalization module, which creates and maintains an optimal database structure based on the user views of the reality described in a declarative language.
The languages for which code can be generated include, COBOL, Java including Android and BlackBerry smart devices, Objective-C for Apple mobile devices, RPG, Ruby, Visual Basic, and Visual FoxPro.
Most popular DBMSs are supported, such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, Informix, PostgreSQL and MySQL.
GeneXus is developed by Uruguayan company ARTech Consultores SRL.
The latest version is Genexus 16, which was released in September 24th, 2018.