General López Department

The General López Department is an administrative subdivision of the province of Santa Fe, Argentina. It is located in the south of the province. Its head town is Melincué, and its largest city is Venado Tuerto.
It is bordered by the Caseros Department in the north, and by the Constitución Department in the north-east; the rest of its borders coincide with interprovincial limits.
The towns and cities in this department are : Aarón Castellanos, Amenábar, Cafferata, Cañada del Ucle, Carmen, Carreras, Chapuy, Chovet, Christophersen, Diego de Alvear, Elortondo, Firmat, Hughes, La Chispa, Labordeboy, Lazzarino, Maggiolo, María Teresa, Melincué, Miguel Torres, Murphy, Rufino, San Eduardo, San Francisco de Santa Fe, San Gregorio, Sancti Spiritu, Santa Isabel, Teodelina, Venado Tuerto, Villa Cañás, Wheelwright.