A geometric separator is a line that partitions a collection of geometric shapes into two subsets, such that proportion of shapes in each subset is bounded, and the number of shapes that do not belong to any subset is small. When a geometric separator exists, it can be used for building divide-and-conquer algorithms for solving various problems in computational geometry.
Separators that are closed shapes
A simple case in which a separator is guaranteed to exist is the following: Thus, R is a geometric separator that separates the n squares into two subset, with a relatively small "loss".
Using this separator theorem, we can solve certain problems in computational geometry in the following way:
Separate the input set of squares to two disjoint subsets;
Solve the problem on each subset separately;
Combine the solutions to the two sub-problems and get an approximate solution to the original problem.
The above theorem can be generalized in many different ways, with possibly different constants. For example:
Instead of squares, the input collection can contain arbitrary fat objects, such as: circles, rectangles with a bounded aspect ratio, etc.
Instead of two-dimensional shapes in a plane, the input collection can contain objects of any dimension, and they can be situated in a d-dimensional torus.
Instead of requiring that the shapes in the input collection be disjoint, we can put a weaker requirement, that the collection is:
* k-thick, i.e., each point is covered by at most k different shapes.
* l-k-thick, i.e., each point is covered by at most k different shapes with a size ratio at most l.
* k-overloaded, i.e., for any subcollection of shapes, the sum of their individual measures is at most k times the measure of their union.
Instead of a rectangle separator, the separator can be any shape that can be covered by smaller copies of itself.
Instead of bounding the number of shapes in each side of the separator, it is possible to bound any measure which satisfies certain axioms.
The ratio of 1:2, in the square separator theorem above, is the best that can be guaranteed: there are collections of shapes that cannot be separated in a better ratio using a separator that crosses only O shapes. Here is one such collection : Consider an equilateral triangle. At each of its 3 vertices, put N/3 shapes arranged in an exponential spiral, such that the diameter increases by a constant factor every turn of the spiral, and each shape touches its neighbours in the spiral ordering. For example, start with a 1-by-Φ rectangle, where Φ is the golden ratio. Add an adjacent Φ-by-Φ square and get another golden rectangle. Add an adjacent -by- square and get a larger golden rectangle, and so on. Now, in order to separate more than 1/3 of the shapes, the separator must separate O shapes from two different vertices. But to do this, the separator must intersect O shapes.
Separators that are hyperplanes
Define W as the most western vertical line with at least N/4 rectangles entirely to its west. There are two cases:
If there are at least N/4 rectangles entirely to the east of W, then W is a vertical separator.
Otherwise, by moving W slightly to the west, we get a vertical line that intersects more than N/2 rectangles. Find a point on this line that has at least N/4 rectangles above and N/4 rectangles below it, and draw a horizontal separator through it.
The number of intersected shapes, guaranteed by the above theorem, is O. This upper bound is asymptotically tight even when the shapes are squares, as illustrated in the figure to the right. This is in sharp contrast to the upper bound of O intersected shapes, which is guaranteed when the separator is a closed shape. Moreover, when the shapes are arbitrary rectangles, there are cases in which no line that separates more than a single rectangle can cross less than N/4 rectangles, as illustrated in the figure to the right.
The above theorem can be generalized from disjoint rectangles to k-thick rectangles. Additionally, by induction on d, it is possible to generalize the above theorem to d dimensions and get the following theorem: For the special case when k = N − 1, the following theorem holds: The objects need not be boxes, and the separators need not be axis-parallel:
Algorithmic versions
It is possible to find the hyperplanes guaranteed by the above theorems in O steps. Also, if the 2d lists of the lower and upper endpoints of the intervals defining the boxes's ith coordinates are pre-sorted, then the best such hyperplane may be found in O steps.
Separators that are width-bounded strips between parallel hyperplanes
Proof sketch
Define the centerpoint of Q as a point o such that every line through it has at most 2n/3 points of Q in each side of it. The existence of a centerpoint can be proved using Helly's theorem. For a given point p and constant a>0, define Pr as the probability that a random line through o lies at a distance of less than a from p. The idea is to bound this probability and thus bound the expected number of points at a distance less than a from a random line through o. Then, by the pigeonhole principle, at least one line through o is the desired separator.
Bounded-width separators can be used for approximately solving the protein folding problem. It can also be used for an exact sub-exponential algorithm to find a maximum independent set, as well as several related covering problems, in geometric graphs.