George Kline

George Louis Kline was a philosopher, translator, and prominent American specialist in Russian and Soviet philosophy, author of more than 300 publications, including two monographs, six edited or co-edited anthologies, more than 165 published articles, book chapters, and encyclopedia entries, over 55 translations, and 75 reviews. The majority of his works are in English, but translations of some of them have appeared in Russian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Serbo-Croatian, Korean and Japanese. He is particularly noted for his authoritative studies on Spinoza, Hegel, and Whitehead. He was President of the Hegel Society of America, and President of the Metaphysical Society of America. He has also made notable contributions to the study of Marx and the Marxist tradition. He attended Boston University for three years, but his education was interrupted by service in the U.S. Army Air Corps during WW II, for which he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.


After the war he completed his undergraduate education with honors at Columbia College, Columbia University, followed by graduate degrees at Columbia University. He taught philosophy at Columbia University 1950–52 and 1953–59 and was Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago, 1952-53. He moved to Bryn Mawr College in 1959, initially teaching in both the philosophy and the Russian departments. He was appointed full Professor of Philosophy in 1961, becoming Milton C. Nahm Professor of Philosophy from 1981 until his retirement in 1991. Afterwards, Kline served as a Professor of Philosophy at Clemson University, South Carolina. He also taught one-semester courses at Rutgers University, Johns Hopkins University, the University of Pennsylvania, Haverford College and Swarthmore College.
Beginning in 1952, at the University of Chicago, Kline first taught his famous course on "Russian Ethical and Social Theory"; it was subsequently taught at Columbia University through the 1950s, at Bryn Mawr College from 1960, and at a number of other institutions over the years. He also taught, more or less continuously, courses on the history of Russian philosophy, Russian and Soviet Marxism, and a number of courses on Russian literature.
The entire field of Russian philosophy as an object of study in America has been shaped to a remarkable degree by the efforts of Kline himself over the course of a long career, beginning with his first publications in 1949: "Dostoevsky's Grand Inquisitor and the Soviet Regime," Occidental, no. 2, and "A Note on Soviet Logic," Journal of Philosophy, v. 46, p. 228. The textual precision, historical learning, and depth of insight found in Kline's own numerous studies of Russian and Soviet philosophy over several decades have served as a model of serious scholarship on these topics for many other researchers. He is also responsible for making available in English some of the most important reference works in the field, including the English translation of Zenkovsky's History of Russian Philosophy, and Russian Philosophy, a 3-vol. anthology of original translations of Russian philosophical texts, continuously in print from 1965 to the present.

Works in Slavic studies

Kline has also supplied a large number of entries on Russian philosophers for a variety of philosophical encyclopedias over many years. He has written approximately 75 reviews of other scholars' works on Russian and Soviet philosophy as well as of new Soviet philosophical works. For example, during the 1950s Kline reviewed approximately thirty recent Soviet publications in the fields of formal logic, philosophy of logic, and philosophy of mathematics, principally for the Journal of Symbolic Logic, as the field of formal logic was opening up in the U.S.S.R. He has also published several authoritative bibliographies of works in Russian, and also in other languages, concerning the history of Russian thought and culture, as well as a bibliography of Brodsky's published writings. Finally, Kline's skills as an editor are legendary. He contributed his services to a great many publishing ventures connected with Russian and Soviet philosophy, including the Sovietica series of monographs and the journal Studies in Soviet Thought. On a personal level, he most generously assisted in the editing of other scholars' drafts of works in philosophy, intellectual history, literature and literary criticism, and has been a constant source of encouragement and support for younger scholars. In all of these ways Kline has placed his own irreplaceable mark upon the entire field.
In 1949-50 Kline was in Paris as a Fulbright Scholar, just as V. V. Zenkovsky's История русской философии was being published there. While in Paris Kline met Zenkovsky and volunteered to translate the History into English, completing it after returning to the U.S. During this process Zenkovsky introduced revisions and corrections for incorporation into the English translation, so that Kline's translation became the authoritative version of the text. This work became the standard history of Russian philosophy for the next half-century, a crucial reference source for all scholars of Russian philosophy. In addition to Kline's translation of Zenkovsky, another exceptionally important resource for English-speaking students of Russian philosophy has been the comprehensive three-volume collection of original translations of Russian philosophers from the 18th century up through early Soviet Marxism.
The appearance of these three volumes in the 1960s made it feasible for the first time for instructors in the U.S. and U.K. to teach university courses based upon a representative sampling of the entire history of Russian philosophy, with excellent translations and scholarly introductions for each general section and each philosopher. Kline contributed ten translations to these three volumes, revised a number of others, and advised the editors on which selections should be included. They commented that "Without his help and inspiration the publication of this historical anthology of Russian philosophy could have been neither successfully planned nor achieved."
Kline's own many studies of Russian and Soviet philosophy can be distributed into five main categories:
  1. Religious thought in Russia and the Soviet Union
  2. Russian and Soviet ethical thought
  3. Studies of individual Russian philosophers
  4. Marx, the Marxist tradition and Marxism–Leninism
  5. Arguments for ethical individualism
The first category is well represented by Religious and Anti-Religious Thought in Russia, based upon the six Weil Institute Lectures that Kline delivered in Cincinnati in 1964, examining a panorama of attitudes toward religion by ten Russian thinkers, treated in five pairs: Bakunin and Tolstoy, Konstantin Leontiev and Vasily Rozanov, Lev Shestov and Nikolai Berdyaev, Maxim Gorky and Anatoly Lunacharsky, V. I. Lenin and Sergei M. Plekhanov.

Attitudes toward religion

Against the background of this extreme range of attitudes toward religion by various Russian thinkers, Kline concluded by examining three dominant attitudes toward religion in the then contemporary Soviet Union. They were:
  1. The collectivist atheism of Marxist–Leninist ideology, which appeared to function as a kind of secular pseudo-religion for some of its most devout believers, an inversion of normal religious belief.
  2. A "scientific-technological Prometheanism," somewhat analogous to Gorky's and Luncharsky's religion of "God-Building," which apparently inspired substantial numbers of the population, especially among the scientific and engineering elite.
  3. A genuinely religious sense of life which was emerging among some poets, writers and artists outside of the church, inspired by earlier writers such as Marina Tsvetaeva, Boris Pasternak and Anna Akhmatova.

    Religious belief in Russia

Kline has published a number of important articles on aspects of religious belief in Russia, including "Religious Ferment Among Soviet Intellectuals," in Religion and the Soviet State: A Dilemma of Power ed. M. Hayward and W. C. Fletcher, and especially "Spor o religioznoi filosofii: L. Shestov protiv Vl. Solov'eva," Russkaia reigiozno-filosofskaia mysl; XX veka, ed. N. P. Poltoratzky and "Russian Religious Thought" in Nineteenth Century Religious Thought in the West, ed. Ninian Smart, et al.. Russian and Soviet ethical theory have not only been at the center of much of Kline's teaching, but also of many of his publications. In "Changing Attitudes Toward the Individual", Kline examined the entire range of Russian ethical/social thought from 1861, pursuing the question of the degree to which the freedom, worth and dignity of the human individual figured as crucial values in that tradition, and found that the weight of nineteenth-century Russian thought was clearly on the side of ethical individualism. Prior to the revolution, only "the collectivist tendencies of Leo Tolstoy, Vladimir Soloviev, and such Marxists as Bogdanov and Bazarov" seem to stand out as exceptions.

Nietzschean Marxism during the Soviet Silver Age

Kline was one of the first Western scholars to direct special attention to the episode of "Nietzschean Marxism" found especially in the works of Volsky and Lunacharsky, as well as Bogdanov and Bazarov during the period 1903-12. Three of his studies are especially relevant: "'Nietzschean Marxism' in Russia,", and "The Nietzschean Marxism of Stanislav Volsky" in Western Philosophical Systems in Russian Literature, ed. Anthony Mlikotin. Kline's attention to "Nietzschean Marxism" has inspired work by a number of other researchers on this same theme: see Kline's "Foreword" in Nietzsche in Russia, ed. Bernice G. Rosenthal. Ethics and morality in the Soviet period have also been a continuing interest: "Current Soviet Morality" in Encyclopedia of Morals, ed. Vergilius Ferm, "Economic Crime and Punishment," Survey, no. 57, "Soviet Ethical Theory," in Encyclopedia of Ethics, ed. Lawrence C. Becker, and "The Soviet Recourse to the Death Penalty for Crimes Against Socialist Property," Sofia Philosophical Review, vol. 3, 2009.

Phenomenology in Marxist materialism

Kline's publications on individual Russian philosophers include fifteen entries in the first edition of The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. Paul Edwards, ten entries in the second edition, ed. Donald M. Borchert, two entries in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed Edward Craig, plus individual entries in several others. Kline has published several studies on Gustav Shpet: "Meditations of a Russian Neo-Husserlian: Gustav Shpet's 'The Skeptic and his Soul'" in Phenomenology and Skepticism: Essays in Honor of James M. Edie, ed. Brice R. Wachterhauser ; "Gustav Shpet as Interpreter of Hegel," in Archiwum Historii Filozofii i myśli społecznej, T. 44, 1999; "Shpet as Translator of Hegel's Phänomenologie des Geistes," in Gustav Shpet's Contribution to Philosophy and Cultural Theory, ed. Galin Tikhanov. See also "The Hegelian Roots of S. L. Frank's Ethics and Social Philosophy," The Owl of Minerva, Vol. 25. Kline has published studies of Marx, the Marxist tradition and Soviet Marxism–Leninism throughout his career. One of his most important articles on Marx is "The Myth of Marx's Materialism" in Philosophical Sovietology: The Pursuit of a Science, ed. Helmut Dahm, Thomas J. Blakeley and George L. Kline.
There he denies that Marx ever promoted a materialist ontology in the normal philosophical sense, whereas most of his followers from Engels through Plekhanov and Lenin, plus all the Marxist-Leninists, have claimed that he did so. He identifies seven distinct senses of the adjective "materiell" as used by Marx, no one of which actually justifies the claim that Marx was committed to a materialist ontology. "Leszek Kolakowski and the Revision of Marxism" plus a "Bibliography of the Principal Writings of Leszek Kolakowski," published in European Philosophy Today, ed. George L. Kline played a significant role in introducing the work of Kolakowski to American intellectuals. See also "Beyond Revisionism: Leszek Kolakowski's Recent Philosophical Development" and "Selective Bibliography," Triquarterly 22: A Kolakowski Reader. In a similar vein, see "Georg Lukács in Retrospect: Impressions of the Man and his Ideas," Problems of Communism, vol. 21, No. 6, "Lukács's Use and Abuse of Hegel and Marx," in Lukács and His World: A Reassessment, ed. Ernest Joos, and "Class Consciousness and the World-Historical Future" in Georg Lukács: Theory, Culture and Politics, ed. Judith Marcus and Zoltan Tarr.

Work on Spinoza

In 1952 Kline published Spinoza in Soviet Philosophy, a study of the revival of Spinoza scholarship in the Soviet Union during the 1920s and 30's, including the emergence of conflicting Marxist schools of Spinoza interpretation. This work included translations by Kline of seven major articles on Spinoza published from 1923-1932, with a lengthy introduction. Other studies of Soviet Marxism–Leninism by Kline include "The Poverty of Marxism-Leninism," Problems of Communism, Vol. 19, No. 6 and "La Philosophie en Union Soviétique autour de 1930" in Histoire de la littérature russe, ed. Efim Etkind et al..

Set of Principles in political philosophy

Throughout his career, in an important series of essays stretching from 1953 to 2000, Kline has argued for the necessity of a genuine ethical individualism, an individualism of principles. A genuine ethical individualism recognizes the intrinsic value of existing human beings, the primacy of their claims to self-realization and the enjoyment of value in the present, and rejects as illegitimate any attempt to treat them merely instrumentally, to sacrifice their lives in the name of some as-yet-unrealized future value or future state of society.
The background for Kline's argument of ethical individualism is contained in "Humanities and Cosmologies: The Background of Certain Humane Values," Western Humanities Review, Vol. 7 ; "Was Marx an Ethical Humanist?" in Studies in Soviet Thought, Vol. 9 ; and "The Use and Abuse of Hegel by Nietzsche and Marx," in Hegel and His Critics, ed. William Desmond. In "'Present', 'Past', and 'Future' as Categoreal Terms, and the 'Fallacy of the Actual Future'," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 40 Kline argued that past, present, and future are genuine categorical terms pace attempts by some physical theorists to claim that time is not a fundamental property of the real, that past and future are ontologically asymmetrical, that time-reversal is not possible, and consequently that the present is ontologically prior.
It follows that any attempt to justify treating presently-living individuals as mere instruments for the realization of some alleged future good must involve the fallacy of the "actual future," i.e., the attempt to claim that the actuality of some future state is sufficient to justify the actual sacrifice now of presently-living individuals. But such a claim is always necessarily false: the future is a realm of possibilities, and never of actualities.
More recently, Kline pointed out that a strikingly similar argument was made by Shpet in his Filosofskoe mirovozrenie Gertsena. Commenting on Herzen, Shpet agreed that those committed to a revolutionary quest for a future ideal "become cruel dreamers, strangers to the large and small joys of the present day, sacrifice their own lives and the lives of others." Herzen, like Hegel, had a sense of the historical present as an end-in-itself. Shpet concluded that "for Herzen the individual person is not a 'future' ghostly person, but a person of the present day, alive and in the flesh, a real person, not a future one." Kline is also widely known as one of the most important early champions of Joseph Brodsky, translations of whose poetry Kline began to publish as early as 1965, several years before Brodsky was expelled from the Soviet Union. Kline is an exceptionally highly regarded translator of Russian poetry, including poems by Pasternak, Tsvetayeva and Voznesensky.

Works on A. E. Whitehead

Kline's work on Whitehead cover's Whitehead's metaphysics and the influence Whitehead's ideas have had on other non-English speaking cultures.

Translator for Brodsky's poetry

However it is Klines long association with Brodsky, and his very numerous translations of Brodsky's poetry, for which he is particularly known. Kline first met Brodsky in Leningrad in August, 1967, and formed a close association as translator and friend. Between 1965 and 1989 Kline published translations of poems by Brodsky on more than thirty separate occasions in a variety of publishing venues, and played a leading role in the publication of both Ostanovka v pustyne and Joseph Brodsky: Selected Poems, Trans. George L. Kline. Ostanovka v pustyne was the first Russian-language edition of his poetry for which Brodsky was able to make the main editorial choices, thanks to Kline's connection with him, but Kline's name did not appear on the original edition, in order to protect Brodsky, who was still in Leningrad. Selected Poems was the first volume of translations to appear after Brodsky came to the U.S.. Kline translated all the poems for this volume and wrote the "Introduction" for it. Brodsky gradually began taking a more active role in assisting with translations of his poetry by others; as early as 1980 he began publishing some of his own translations into English. In recognition of the long personal and professional bond between them, Brodsky invited Kline to attend the ceremony in Stockholm in 1987 when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. In addition to his personal association with Brodsky, Kline has also had personal connections with Lukacs, Kolakowski, Marcuse and Losev. Both Brodsky and Kolakowski attended and made presentations for Kline's retirement ceremony at Bryn Mawr in 1991.
In 1999 Kline received the award of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies for "Distinguished Contributions to Slavic Studies." In addition to citing his remarkable scholarly career as a philosopher, translator, editor and teacher, the citation went on "to call particular attention to his extraordinary impact on his fellow scholars, many of whom have been his students. They recall his erudite, generous, and detailed comments on their papers and books, and the depth and wisdom he brought to his scholarship. Countless younger scholars consider themselves indebted to him for his judgment, encouragement, and guidance. We all stand in his debt, therefore, for helping us to appreciate the richness and depth of Russian philosophy and literature and for his long dedication to nurturing our field."

Higher education

Boston University 1938–1941
Columbia College, Columbia University, NY 1946-1947: A.B. 1947
Columbia University: M.A., 1948
Columbia University: Ph.D. 1950
Audited several philosophy courses in Paris at the Sorbonne, and at the Collège de France

Teaching experience

Columbia University, Instructor in Philosophy
University of Chicago, Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Columbia University, Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Bryn Mawr College, Visiting Lecturer in Philosophy and Russian ; Associate Professor of Philosophy and Russian ; Professor of Philosophy ; Milton C. Nahm Professor of Philosophy ; Milton C. Nahm Professor Emeritus of Philosophy ; Katharine E. McBride Professor of Philosophy
Clemson University, SC, Adjunct Research Professor of the History of Ideas.
Professor Kline taught one-semester courses as a visiting professor at Douglass College, Johns Hopkins University, the University of Pennsylvania, Haverford College, and Swarthmore College.

List of articles

"Dostoevsky's Grand Inquisitor and the Soviet Regime," Occidental, No. 2 : 1-5.
"Recent Philosophical Developments at Oxford," Occidental, No. 9-10 : 1-3.
"To the Editors of the Journal of Philosophy," , Journal of Philosophy, , Vol. 46 : 228.
"The Concept of Justice in Soviet Philosophy," The Standard, Vol. 39 : 231-236.
"Humanities and Cosmologies: The Background of certain Humane Values," Western Humanities Review, Vol.7 : 95-103.
"Russian Philosophy," Collier's Encyclopedia, 6th printing, 1953, Vol.17, 222-225
"A Philosophical Critique of Soviet Marxism," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 9 : 90-105.
"Darwinism and the Russian Orthodox Church" in Continuity and Change in Russian and Soviet Thought, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1955, 307-328.
"Recent Soviet Philosophy," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 303 : 126-138.
"Russian Philosophy" in A Dictionary of Russian Literature, New York: Philosophical Library, 1956, 288-300.
"Current Soviet Morality" in Encyclopedia of Morals, New York: Philosophical Library, 1956, 569-580.
"Materialisticheskaia filosofiia i sovremennaia nauka", Mosty , No. 1 : 273-286.
"Education toward Literacy," Current History, Vol. 35, No. 203 : 17- 21.
"Russia Five Years after Stalin, No. 11: Education," New Leader , Vol. 41, No. 24 : 6-10.
"Fundamentals of Marxist Philosophy: A Critical Analysis," Survey, No. 30 : 58-62.
"Russia's Lagging School System," NL, Vol. 42, No 11 : 12-16.
"Philosophy and Religion" in American Research on Russia, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1959, 66-76.
"Changing Attitudes toward the Individual" in The Transformation of Russian Society: Aspects of Social Change since 1861, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1960, 606-625.
"Spinoza East and West: Six Recent Studies in Spinozist Philosophy," JP, Vol. 58 : 346-355.
"Philosophy" in Encyclopedia of Russia and the Soviet Union, New York: McGraw Hill, 1961, 422-425.
"The Withering Away of the State: Philosophy and Practice" in The Future of Communist Society, New York: Praeger, 1962, 63-71.
Bibliography of works in Russian on "History of Thought and Culture" in Basic Russian Publications: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography on Russia and the Soviet Union, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962, 224-230.
"A Discrepancy," Studies in Soviet Thought , Vol. 2 : 327-330.
"Soviet Culture since Stalin," Survey, No. 47 : 71-73.
"Socialist Legality and Communist Ethics," Natural Law Forum, Vol. 8 : 21-34.
"Theoretische Ethik im russischen Frühmarxismus," Forschungen zur osteuropäischen Geschichte, Vol. 9 : 269-279.
"Soviet Philosophers at the Thirteenth International Philosophy Congress," JP, Vol. 60 : 738-743.
"Cultural Trends" . Survey No. 47 : 71-72.
"Some Recent Reinterpretations of Hegel's Philosophy," Monist, Vol. 48 : 34-75.
"Philosophy, Ideology, and Policy in the Soviet Union," Review of Politics, Vol. 26 : 174-190.
"Whitehead in the Non-English-Speaking World" and "Bibliography of Writings by and about A. N. Whitehead in Languages other than English" in Process and Divinity: The Hartshorne
Festschrift,, LaSalle, IL: Open Court, 1964, 235-268 and 593-609.
"Marx, the Manifesto, and the Soviet Union Today," Ohio University Review, Vol. 6 : 63-76.
Bibliography of works in languages other than Russian on "History of Thought and Culture" in Russia and the Soviet Union: A Bibliographic Guide to Western-Language Publications, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964, 324-335.
"Philosophic Revisions of Marxism," Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress of Philosophy, Mexico, D. F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1964, Vol. 9: 397-407.
"N. A. Vasil'ev and the Development of Many-Valued Logics" in Contributions to Logic and Methodology in Honor of J. M. Bocheński, Amsterdam: North Holland, 1965, 315-326.
"Economic Crime and Punishment," Survey, No. 57 : 67-72.
"Leszek Kołakowski and the Revision of Marxism" and "Bibliography of the Principal Writings of Leszek Kołakowski" in European Philosophy Today, Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1965, 113-156 and 157-163.
Fifteen articles on Russian philosophy and philosophers in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, New York: Macmillan and Free Press, 1967, : Bazarov, V. A., 1: 262; Bogdanov, A. A., 1: 331; Chicherin, B. N., 2:86-87; Frank, S.L., 3:219-220; Leontyev, K. N., 4:436-437; Lunacharski, A. V., 5:109; Pisarev, D. I., 6:312; "Russian Philosophy," 7:258-268; Shestov, Leon, 7:432-433; Skovoroda, G. S., 7:461; Solovyov, V. S., 7:491-493; Volski, Stanislav, 7:261-262.
"Some Critical Comments on Marx's Philosophy" in Marx and the Western World, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1967, 419-432
"Philosophy Holdings in Soviet and East European Libraries," SST, Vol. 7, No. 2 :69-75.:
"The Existentialist Rediscovery of Hegel and Marx" in Phenomenology and Existentialism, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1967, 113-138. Reprinted in Sartre: A collection of Critical Essays, Anchor Books, 1971, 284-314.
"Randall's Reinterpretation of the Philosophies of Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz" in Naturalism and Historical Understanding: Essays on the Philosophy of John Herman Randall Jr., Albany: State University of New York Press, 1967, 83-93.
"Was Marx an Ethical Humanist?" in Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Philosophy, Vienna: Herder, 1968, Vol. 2, 69-73. Revised and expanded, with German abstract, in SST, Vol. 9 : 91-103.
"More on the Convergence Theory," The Humanist, Vol. 29 : 24.
"Vico in Pre-Revolutionary Russia" in Giambattista Vico: An International Symposium, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1969, 203-213.
"Philosophy" in Language and Area Studies: East Central and Southeastern Europe – a Survey, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969, 285-300.
"The Varieties of Instrumental Nihilism" in New Essays in Phenomenology: Studies in the Philosophy of Experience, Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1969, 177-189.
"Religious Ferment among Soviet Intellectuals" in Religion and the Soviet State: A Dilemma of Power, New York: Praeger, 1969, 57-69.
" 'Nietzschean Marxism' in Russia" in Demythologizing Marxism, Vol. 2 of Boston College Studies in Philosophy, Boston and The Hague: Nijhoff, 1969, 166-183.
"The Past: Agency or Efficacy?" in Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Herder Verlag, 1969, Vol. 4, 580-584.
"Religious Motifs in Russian Philosophy," Studies on the Soviet Union , Vol. 9 : 84-96.
"Form, Concrescence, and Concretum: A Neo-Whiteheadian Analysis," Southern Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 7 : 351-360.
"Responsibility, Freedom, and Statistical Determination" in Human Values and Natural Science, London and New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1970, 213-220.
"Hegel and the Marxist-Leninist Critique of Religion" and "Reply to Commentators" in Hegel and the Philosophy of Religion, The Hague: Nijhoff, 1970, 187-202 and 212-215.
"The Dialectic of Action and Passion in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit," RM, Vol. 23 : 679-689.
"The Poverty of Marxism-Leninism," Problems of Communism, Vol. 19, No. 6 : 42-45.
Contribution to author-reviewers symposium, Philosophy Forum, Vol. 10, : 323-328.
"Religious Themes in Soviet Literature" in Aspects of Religion in the Soviet Union: 1917-1967, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971, 157-186.
"A Bibliography of the Published Writings of Iosif Aleksandrovich Brodsky," Russian Literature TriQuarterly, No. 1 : 441-445. Reprinted, with Addenda, in Ten Bibliographies of Twentieth Century Russian Literature, Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1977, 159-175.
"Beyond Revisionism: Leszek Kolakowski's Recent Philosophical Development" and "Selective Bibliography," TriQuarterly 22: A Kolakowski Reader, : 13-47 and 239-250.
Comment on Bohdan Bociurkiw "Religious Dissent and the Soviet State" in Papers and Proceedings of the McMaster Conference on Dissent in the Soviet Union, Hamilton, Ont., 1972, 113-119.
"Georg Lukács in Retrospect: Impressions of the Man and His Ideas," Problems of Communism, Vol. 21, No. 6 : 62-66.
"Religion, National Character, and the 'Rediscovery of Russian Roots'," Slavic Review, Vol. 32 : 29-40.
"A Poet's Map of his Poem", Vogue, Vol. 162, No. 3 : 228, 230.
"Translating Brodsky," Bryn Mawr Now, Spring 1974: 1.
"Hegel and Solovyov" in Hegel and the History of Philosophy, The Hague: Nijhoff, 1974, 159-170.
"Philosophical Puns" in Philosophy and the Civilizing Arts: Essays Presented to Herbert W. Schneider on his Eightieth Birthday, Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1974, 213-235.
"Was Marx von Hegel hätte lernen können... und sollen" in Stuttgarter Hegel-Tage 1970 , Bonn: Bouvier Verlag, 1974, 497-502.
"Recent Uncensored Soviet Philosophical Writings" in Dissent in the USSR: Politics, Ideology, and People, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975, 158-190.
"Spor o religioznoi filosofii: L. Shestov protiv Vl. Solov'eva in Russkaia religiozno-filosofskaia mysl' XX veka , Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1975, 37-53.
"Working with Brodsky," Paintbrush, Vol. 4, No. 7-8 : 25-26.
"On the Infinity of Spinoza's Attributes" in Speculum Spinozanum, 1677-1977, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977, 333-352.
"Three Dimensions of 'Peaceful Coexistence'" in Varieties of Christian-Marxist Dialogue, Philadelphia: Ecumenical Press, 1978, 201-206.
"Iosif Aleksandrovich Brodskii " in Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet Literature, Vol. 3, 129-137.
"The 'Nietzschean Marxism' of Stanislav Volsky" in Western Philosophical Systems in Russian Literature: A Collection of Critical Studies, Los Angeles: University of Southern California Press, 1979, 177-195.
"Life as Ontological Category: A Whiteheadian Note on Hegel" in Art and Logic in Hegel's Philosophy, New York: Humanities Press, 1980, 158-162.
"Comment--Ethnicity, Orthodoxy, and the Return to the Russian Past" in Ethnic Russia in the USSR: The Dilemma of Dominance, New York: Pergamon Press, 1980, 137-141.
Articles on Joseph Brodsky, Lev Shestov, and Vladimir Solovyov in Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature, New York: Columbia University Press, 1980, 121-122, 738, 757.
"The Myth of Marx's Materialism", JP, Vol. 77 : 655
"Mary Barbara Zeldin," SST, Vol. 23 : 91-93,.
Introductory note and explanatory footnotes to "W. H. Auden, 'On Chaadaev'," Russian Review, Vol. 42 : 409-416.
"Revising Brodsky" in Modern Poetry in Translation: 1983 London: Carcanet, : 159-168.
"The Question of Materialism in Vico and Marx" in Vico and Marx: Affinities and Contrasts, Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1983, 114-125.
"Los males del totalitarismo comunista yacen en el pensamiento del propio Marx", Nuesto Tiempo , Vol. 58. : 47.
"Form, Concrescence, and Concretum" in Explorations in Whitehead's Philosophy, New York: Fordham University Press, 1983, 104-146..
"The Myth of Marx's Materialism,' Annals of Scholarship, Vol. 3, No. 2 : 1-38.
"Joseph Brodsky" in Contemporary Foreign Language Writers, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984, 53-54.
"Absolute and Relative Senses of Liberum and Libertas in Spinoza" in Spinoza nel 350 Anniversario della Nascita: Atti del Congresso Internazionale , Naples: Bibliopolis, 1985, 259-280.
Articles on Pyotr Y. Chaadaev and Nikolai O. Lossky in Handbook of Russian Literature, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985, 76-77 and 256-66.
"Russian Religious Thought" in Nineteenth Century Religious Thought in the West, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985, Vol. 2, Ch. 6: 179-229.
"Les Interprétations russes de Spinoza et leurs sources allemandes," Les Cahiers de Fontenay, No. 36-38 : 361-377.
"Concept and Concrescence: An Essay in Hegelian-Whiteheadian Ontology" in Hegel and Whitehead: Contemporary Perspectives on Systematic Philosophy, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1986, 133-151.
"'Present', 'Past', and 'Future' as Categorical Terms, and the 'Fallacy of the Actual Future'," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 40: 215-235.
"Foreword" in Nietzsche in Russia, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1986, xi-xvi.
"Lukács's Use and Abuse of Hegel and Marx" in Lukács and His World: A Reassessment, Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 1987, 1-25.
"The 1987 Nobel Prize in Literature: Joseph Brodsky" in Dictionary of Literature Biography Yearbook: 1987, Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1988, 3-13.
"The Myth of Marx's Materialism" in Philosophical Sovietology: The Pursuit of a Science, Dordrecht and Boston: Reidel, 1988, 158-203.
"George L. Kline: Writings on Russian and Soviet Philosophy" in ibid., 204-13.
"George L. Kline: Writings on Marx, Engels, and Non-Russian Marxism" in ibid, 214-17.
"Russische und westeuropäische Denker über Tradition, Gegenwart und Zukunft" in Europa und die Folgen: Castelgandolfo-Gespräche 1987, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1988, 146-64.
"Class Consciousness and the World-Historical Future: Some Critical Comments on Lukács's 'Will to the Future'" in Georg Lukács: Theory, Culture, and Politics, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1989, 15-26.
"Revising Brodsky" in Translating Poetry, London Macmillan,1989, 95-106.
"The Use and Abuse of Hegel by Nietzsche and Marx" in Hegel and His Critics: Philosophy in the Aftermath of Hegel, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989, 1-34.
"Reuniting the Eastern and Western Churches: Vladimir Soloviev's Ecumenical Project and its Contemporary Critics," Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., Vol. 21 : 209-25.
"Variations on the Theme of Exile" in Brodsky's Poetics and Aesthetics, London: Macmillan, 1990, 56-88.
"Pierre Macherey's Hegel ou Spinoza" in Spinoza: Issues and Directions, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1990, 373-80.
"La Philosophie en Union Soviétique autour de 1930" in Histoire de la littérature russe: Le XX siècle, Gels et dégels, Paris: Payard, 1990, 256-66.
"Begriff und Konkreszenz: über einige Gemeinsamkeiten in den Ontologien Hegels und Whiteheads" in Whitehead und der deutsche Idealismus, Bern-Frankfurt-New York-Paris: Peter Lang, 1990, 145-61.
"Present, Past, and Future in the Writings of Alexander Herzen," Synthesis Philosophica
, Vol. 5 : 183-93.
"Sadašnost, prošlost I budućnost u spisima Aleksandra Herzena," Filozofska istraživanja , Vol. 10 : 715-24.
Rosyjscy i zachodnoeuropejscy myśliciele o tradycji, nowoczesności i przyszlości" in Europa i co z tego wynika, Warsaw: Res Publica, 1990, 159-74.
"Pojednanie Kościoła wschodniego i zachodniego: Plan ekumeniczny Władimira Sołowjowa i współcześni mu krytycy," Przegląd powszechny , Vol. 109, No. 3 : 370-91.
"Soviet Ethical Theory" in Encyclopedia of Ethics, New York: Garland; London: St. James Press, 1992, 1195-1199.
"The Defense of Terrorism: Trotsky and his Major Critics" in The Trotsky Reappraisal, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1992, 156-65.
"Jose Maria Ferrater Mora," Man and World, Vol. 25 : 1-2.
"The Systematic Ambiguity of Some Key Whiteheadian Terms" in Metaphysics as Foundation: Essays in Honor of Ivor Leclerc, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993, 150-63.
"Changing Russian Assessments of Spinoza and their German Sources " in Philosophical Imagination and Cultural Memory: Appropriating Historical Traditions, Durham: Duke University Press, 1993, 176-194. An earlier version of this paper, in French translation by Jacqueline Lagrée, appeared in 1985. See No. 89 above.
"The Potential Contribution of Classical Russian Philosophy to the Building of a Humane Society in Russia" in XIX World Congress of Philosophy : Lectures, Moscow, 1993: 34-50.
"Joseph Brodsky" in Contemporary World Writers, London: St. James Press, 1993, 75-77.
Articles on Nicholas Berdyaev and "Russian Thinkers on the Historical Present and Future" in Encyclopedia of Time, New York: Garland 1994, 53-54 and 537-39.
"Nikolai P. Poltoratzky," SST Vol XX : X-x
"Seven by Ten: An Examination of Seven Pairs of Translations from Akhmatova by Ten English and American Translators," Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 38 : 47-68.
"The Hegelian Roots of S. L. Frank's Ethics and Social Philosophy," The Owl of Minerva, Vol. 25 : 195-08.
"Skovoroda's Metaphysics" in Hryhorij Savyč Skovoroda: An Anthology of Critical Articles, Edmonton and Toronto: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press, 1994, 223-37.
Articles on Michael Bakunin, Nicolas Berdyaev, Alexander Herzen, Russian Nihilism, Russian Philosophy, and Vladimir Solovyov in Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, 62-63, 70-71, 324-25, 702-04, and 751-52.
"Vospominaniia o A. F. Loseve", Nachala , No. 2-4 : 63-73.
"La Posible contribución de la filosofía clásica rusa a la construcción de una sociedad humanista," Diálogo filosófico , No. 31, 77-90
Article on Stanislav Volsky in Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Philosophers, London and New York: Routledge, 1996, 814.
"George L. Kline on A. F. Losev," Khristos voskrese! A Newsletter for Russian Orthodox Philosophy, Vol. 3, No.2, 3-4..
"Meditations of a Russian Neo-Husserlian: Gustav Shpet's 'The Skeptic and His Soul'" in Phenomenology and Skepticism: Essays in Honor of James M. Edie, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1996, 144-63; 249-54.
"The Religious Roots of S. L. Frank's Ethics and Social Philosophy" in Russian Religious Thought, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1996, 213-33.
"Gegel' i Solov'ev," Voprosy filosofii, No. 10 : 84-95.
"A History of Brodsky's Ostanovka v pustyne and his Selected Poems," Modern Poetry In Translation, No. 10 : 8-19.
Article on Konstantin Leont'ev in Encyclopedia of the Essay, London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997, 471-73.
"Skovoroda: In but Not Of the Eighteenth Century. A Commentary," Journal of Ukrainian Studies , Vol. 22, No. 1-2 : 117-23.
Articles on Konstantin Leont'ev and Aleksei Losev in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, London: Routledge, 1998, Vol. 5, 567-70 and 828-33.
"Istoriia dvukh knig" in Iosif Brodskii: Trudy i dni , Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Nezavisimaia gazeta, 1998, 215-228.
"Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev" in Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 198, The Age of Pushkin and Gogol: Prose, Detroit: Gale Research, 1998, 101-09.
"Gustav Shpet as Interpreter of Hegel" in Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społecznej , Vol. 44 : 181-90.
Articles on Michael Bakunin, Nicolas Berdyaev, Alexander Herzen, Russian Nihilism, Russian Philosophy, and Vladimir Solovyov in Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy,, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999: 71, 81, 378-79, 805-06 and 862.
"Soviet Ethical Theory" in Encyclopedia of Ethics, New York and London: Routledge, 2nd ed. 2001, cols.. 1631-1637.
"Karta stikhotvoreniia poeta" in Iosif Brodskii: Bol'shaia kniga interv'iu, Moscow: Zakharov, 2nd ed., revised and expanded, 2000, 13-16.
Reminiscences of A. F. Losev," Russian Studies in Philosophy, Vol. 40 No. 3 : 74-82.
"A Poet's Map of His Poem: An Interview with George L. Kline" in Joseph Brodsky's Conversations, Jackson: University of Mississippi Press, 2002: 36-39.
"W. E. Hocking on Marx, Russian Marxism, and the Soviet Union" in A William Ernest Hocking Reader, Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2004: 349-66.
"Five Paradoxes in Losev's Life and Work," Russian Studies in Philosophy, Vol. 44, No. 1 : 13-32.
"Brodsky's Presepio in the Context of His Other Nativity Poems," Symposion: A Journal of Russian Thought, Vols. 7-12 : 67-80.
"Taras D. Zakydalsky, Russian Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XX : XX-XX
"Foreword" in Evgenia Cherkasova, Dostoevsky and Kant: Dialogues on Ethics, Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2009, xi-xii.
"The Soviet Recourse to the Death Penalty for Crimes against Socialist Property," Sofia Philosophical Review, Vol. 3, No. 1 : 45-74.
"Shpet as Translator of Hegel's Phänomenologie des Geistes" in Gustav Shpet's Contribution to Philosophy and Cultural Theory,, W. Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2009, 134-150.
The Rise and Fall of Soviet 'Orthographic Atheism'," Symposion: A Journal of Russian Thought, Vol. 14 : 1-18.
"Skepticism and Faith in Shestov's Early Critique of Rationalism," Studies in East European Thought, Vol. 63, No. 1 : 15-29.
"Discussions with Bocheński concerning Soviet Marxism-Leninism, 1952-1986," Studies in East European Thought, Vol. 64, No. 3-4 : 301-12.
"A Russian Orthodox Source of Soviet Scientific-Technological Prometheanism," Sofia Philosophical Review, Vol. 7, No. 1 : 27-50.
"Piat' paradoksov v zhizni i tvorchestve Loseva" forthcoming in A. F. Losev i gumanitarnye nauki dvadtsatogo veka, Moscow: Nauka, 2014.

Selected shorter translations

Vladimir Soloviev

, "Lectures on Godmanhood" in The Portable Nineteenth-Century Russian Reader, Harmondsworh and New York: Penguin Books, 1993, 630-637.


"Alexander Pushkin" by Mikhail Zoshchenko, Columbia Review, Vol. 27, No. 3 : 19-20.


, "A History of Yesterday", Russian Review, Vol. 8, 142-60. Reprinted in Leo Tolstoy: Short Stories, New York: Modern Library, 1964, 1-22. Reprinted, with revisions and abridgments, in Columbia University Forum, Vol. 2, No. 3,, 32-38. The 1959 revision is reprinted in The Portable Tolstoy, New York: Viking, 1978, pp. 35–47. The Full text is reprinted, with additional revisions, in Tolstoy's Short Fiction, New York: W. W. Norton, 1991: 279-94.

Karl Jaspers

From the German manuscript: E. Latzel, "The Concept of 'Ultimate Situation' in Jaspers' Philosophy" in The Philosophy of Karl Jaspers, New York: Tudor, 1957: 177-208.


, "In Memory of a Great Philosopher: Edmund Husserl," 3:248-76 ; Alexander Bogdanov,


"Two Poems by Boris Pasternak" in the Columbia University Forum Anthology, New York: Atheneum, 1968: 48-51. Reprinted, with revisions, in Boris Pasternak: Seven Poems, 1969, 1972.

Joseph Brodsky

" 'Elegy for John Donne' by Joseph Brodsky", Russian Review, Vol. 24 : 341-53.
"New Poems by Joseph Brodsky , TriQuarterly 3, 85-96. Also includesAndrei Voznesensky's Oza, 97-117.
"Three Poems by Brodsky" Russian Review, Vol. 25. : 131-34.
"Joseph Brodsky's 'Verses on the Death of T.S. Eliot'", Russian Review, Vol. 27 : 195-98.
Joseph Brodsky: Six New Poems in Explorations in Freedom: Prose, Narrative, and Poetry from Kultura, New York: The Free Press in cooperation with The State University of New York at Albany, 1970, 265-70.
"Joseph Brodsky's "Now that I've walled myself off from the world'," The Third Hour, No. 9,Page
Five Poems by Joseph Brodsky , TriQuarterly 18 : 175-83.
"Joseph Brodsky's 'Adieu, Mademoiselle Véronique' ", Russian Review, Vol. 30 : 27-32.
Three Poems by Joseph Brodsky, , Arroy, May, 1971: 2-4.
"Six Poems by Joseph Brodsky," , Russian Literature TriQuarterly, No. 1 : 76-90.
"Joseph Brodsky's 'Nature Morte'," Saturday Review: The Arts, Vol. 55, No. 3 : 45.
Eight Poems by Joseph Brodsky in The Living Mirror: Five Young Poets form Leningrad, New York: Doubleday, 1972: 228-99. Also A Chapter About Crosses by Costantine Kuzminsky: 322-24.
Eight Poems by Joseph Brodsky , Antaeus, No. 6 : 99-113.
Three Poems by Joseph Brodsky , New Leader, Vol. 55, No. 24 : 3-4.
"Joseph Brodsky's 'The tenant finds his new house wholly strange'," The Nation, Vol. 216, No. 1, 28.
Three Poems by Joseph Brodsky , New York Review of Books, Vol. 20, No. 5 : 10-12.
"Joseph Brodsky's 'Dido and Aeneas'," Partisan Review, Vol. 40, No. 2 : 255.
"Joseph Brodsky's 'Nunc Dimittis'," Vogue, Vol. 162, No. 3 : 286-87.
"Joseph Brodsky's 'An Autumn evening in the modest square'," Confrontation, No. 8, : 20-21.
"Joseph Brodsky's Letters to a Roman Friend, Los Angeles Times, June 16, 1974, pt.5: 3.
"Joseph Brodsky's Nature Morte, Post-War Russian Poetry, London: Penguin Books, 1974, 263-268.
"Josephs Brodsky's The Butterfly, New Yorker, March 15, 1976: 35.
Three Poems by Joseph Brodsky in The Contemporary World Poets, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976, 268-271.
"Joseph Brodsky's 'In the Lake District' and 'On the Death of Zhukov'," Kontinent, Garden City, NY: Doubleday Anchor Books, 1976, 119-121.
"Two Poems by Joseph Brodsky" in Russian Writing Today, London: Penguin Books, 1977, 179-183.
"Joseph Brodsky's 'A second Christmas by the shore'," Paintbrush, Vol. 4, No. 7-8. : 27.
"Joseph Brodsky's 'Plato Elaborated'," New Yorker, March 12, 1979: 40-41.
Ten Poems by Joseph Brodsky in A Part of Speech, New Yorker: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1980.
"Joseph Brodsky's 'Odysseus to Telemachus'" in Poetry: An Introduction, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981: 372.
Joseph Brodsky's December in Florence, Shearsman, No. 7 : 19-21.
Joseph Brodsky's Eclogue V: Summer, New Yorker, August 3, 1987: 22-24.
Joseph Brodsky's Eclogue V: Summer, in his book To Urania, New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1988, 82-89.
Joseph Brodsky's Advice to a Traveller, Times Literary Supplement, May 12–18, 1989, 516. Reprinted in Keath Fraser, Worst Journeys: The Picador Book of Travel, New York: Vintage Books, 1991, 3-6. Retitled "An Admonition," this was reprinted in Brodsky's So Forth, New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1996, 16-20.

Marina Tsvetayeva

"Five Poems by Marina Tsvetayeva," Russian Literature TriQuarterly, No. 2 : 217-19.

Valentina Sinkevich

"Four Poems by Valentina Sinkevich" in Valentina Sinkevich, The Coming of Day, Philadelphia: Crossroads, 1978, 13, 17, 21, 24.

Alexander Radishchev

, "On Man, His Mortality and Immortality" in A History of Russian Philosophy, Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1994; 1:113-128. Constantine Leontyev, "The Average European as an Ideal and Instrument of Universal Destruction" in ibid., 2:455-462

Other short translations

Leszek Kolakowski, "The Epistemological Significance of the Aetiology of Knowledge", TriQuarterly 22 : 221-38.
Igor Sidorov, "The Philosophy of Pavel Florenskii and the Future of Russian Culture," Russian Studies in Philosophy, Vol. 33 : 41-48.
A. I. Vvedensky, "The Atheism of Spinoza's Philosophy" in The Concept of God: Essays on Spinoza by Aleksandr Vvedensky and Vladimir Solovyov, Carlisle, Pa: Variable Press, 1999, 1-23.
"Correspondence of A. F. Losev and George L. Kline," Russian Studies in Philosophy, Vol. 40, No. 3, 69-73. Translation of the Russian texts published in XB: A Newsletter for Russian Thought, Vol. 7, Nos. 4-6 : 6-8.
A. N. Kolmogorov, "Solution of a problem in Probability Theory Connected with the Problem of the Mechanism of Stratification," No. 53 in a series published by the American Mathematical Society, New York, 1951.
From the Spanish manuscript: José Ferrater Mora, "The Philosophy of Xavier Zubiri" in European Philosophy Today, Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1965: 15-24.
Translations of Russian philosophic texts in Russian Philosophy,, Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1965; revised paperback edition, 1969, reprinted, University of Tennessee Press, 1976, 1984: Gregory Skovoroda, "Socrates in Russia," A Conversation among Five Travelers Concerning Life's True Happiness," and "The Life of Gregory Skovoroda by M. I. Kovalinsky," 1:17-57; Alexander Radishchev, "On Man, his Mortality and Immortality", 1:77-100; Constantine Leontyev,
"The Average European as an Ideal and Instrument of Universal Destruction", 2:271-80; Nicholas Fyodorov, "The Question of Brotherhood...", 3:16-54;
"Matter as Thing-in Itself," 3:393-04; Lyubov Akselrod, "Review of Lenin's Materialism and Empiriocriticism", 3:457-63.