George Rowe (actor)

George Rowe was an American character actor of the silent film era, known for his cross-eyed look, was born in Maine on September 15, 1894, he would break into the film industry in the 1919 film short, Tough Luck, starring Snub Pollard. Over his ten-year career, he appeared in over 125 shorts, many of which for Hal Roach, including several with Stan Laurel and in the iconic Our Gang series. His Roach Studio contract was terminated in 1925, after which he toured the west coast in Vaudeville for a time, but Rowe's film career ended with the advent of talking pictures, with the reason he left the film industry unknown. He died on February 5, 1975 in Santa Barbara, California.

Select Filmography

Stan Laurel Starring Films:
Other Films: