Ghost Hunters Academy

Ghost Hunters Academy was a paranormal reality television series that premiered on November 11, 2009, on the Syfy channel. The program was the third spin-off series based on Ghost Hunters. The show featured TAPS members Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango as they lead a group of prospective investigators on various ghost hunting cases at locations that are allegedly haunted, and which had been previously investigated by TAPS.


The series featured Dave Tango and Steve Gonsalves teaching a group of aspiring ghost hunters how to explore some of the most haunted locations in the country with the TAPS methodology from the Ghost Hunters series. Recruits were taken to some of the most "active" areas investigated on the main show at the time, such as Waverly Hills Sanatorium and St. Augustine Lighthouse. Participants who "passed" the course were able to elect to move to Ghost Hunters or Ghost Hunters International.


Lead investigators
