Gibbs Humdinga

The Gibbs Humdinga is a high speed amphibious vehicle concept designed by Gibbs Technologies. It was publicly announced in February 2012 and was created specifically to access remote and hostile terrain. It uses the same High Speed Amphibian technology as the Gibbs Aquada. It has yet to be sold to the public.
The Humdinga transforms from land to water mode when the driver pushes a button. The wheels retract and the power train disconnects from driving the wheels to driving only the jet propulsion system.
On water the Humdinga can reach the 'plane' in less than 10 seconds. It has a curb weight of. The vehicle is in length, in height and in width.
This amphibious truck boat is constantly in four wheel drive, and can travel at typical highway speeds on land. Once on water the jet propulsion system allows the vehicle to reach over. The vehicle can seat six occupants, along with supplies and baggage. The vehicle is run by a powerful engine. It took 15 years and over a million man hours to develop the amphibious technology used, according to Alan Gibbs, co-founder.