
Gibiate is an original Japanese anime television series produced by Yoshitaka Amano, directed by Masahiko Komino at studios Lunch Box and Studio Elle and written by Ryō Aoki. The series premiered on July 15, 2020. A special PR program aired on July 8th.


In 2030, Japan, a virus known as "Gibia" has infected humans throughout the world and turns them into different forms of monsters based on their age, sex, and race. A samurai and a ninja from the early Edo period travel together through time and arrive in a ruined Japan to aid a professor working on a cure for the virus. Facing ceaseless attacks from Gibias and outlaws that attack travelers for food, they start the dangerous journey with enemies all around.


;Sensui Kanzaki
;Kathleen Funada
;Kenroku Sanada
;Yukinojyo Onikura
;Renjiro Hatonami
;Guren Soshigaya
;Isao Mikimoto
;Katsunori Hamuro
;Hidenori Sakuma
;Dr. Yoshinaga
;Ayame Hatonami
;Yurika Funada

Production and release

During Anime Expo 2019, Gibiate Project revealed that they are producing an original anime television series. Ryō Aoki is writing and planning the project, as well as serving as its executive producer. Masahiko Komino will serve as director, animation character designer - directly adapting Yoshitaka Amano's original character designs into animation, as well as serving as chief animation director. Lunch Box and Studio Elle will be in charge of animation production. Naoki Serizawa is designing the monsters. Yuzo Koshiro is composing the series' music. Other artists such as Japanese doll maker Mataro Kanabayashi the Third, bladesmith Kunihisa Kunihisa, calligrapher and artist Sisyu, and Hideo Komatsu the president of the shamisen company Komatsuya Co., Ltd. are also listed as collaborators. Sugizo performed the opening theme song "Gibiate" with the Yoshida Brothers and the ending theme "Endless" with Maki Ohguro. The Chinese version of the ending theme with be covered by VOGUE5. It was set to premiere at Anime Expo 2020 but was cancelled on account of the COVID-19 pandemic. The anime premiered on July 15, 2020 on Tokyo MX, AT-X, and BS Fuji. Crunchyroll will stream the series as a Crunchyroll Original anime in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, and the Middle East. In Southeast Asia, the series is licensed by Medialink and released on Ani-One YouTube channel, as well as on the streaming service iQIYI.