Rose earned her BA from the University of Cambridge and her PhD from the University of London. She also has taught at the University of London and University of Edinburgh. Before joining the faculty of the School of Geography and the Environment at the University of Oxford in 2017, she previously taught and served as Associate Dean in the Faculty of Social Sciences at The Open University and was also Head of the Geography Department there for four years.
Scholarly contributions
Rose's current research interests lie broadly within the field of visual culture. She is interested in the ways social subjectivities and relations are pictured or made invisible in a range of media, and how those processes are embedded in power relations. She also has long-standing interest in feminist film theory and in Michel Foucault's and feminist accounts of photography in particular. This work has formed a crucial link between feminist geography and geography of media and communication. Written from a Marxist and radical feminist perspective, Feminism & Geography stimulated a series of debates within geography about the nature of how geographic knowledge is constructed. Rose is known for defining identity as "how we make sense of ourselves" and explained how we each have different identities on different scales, for example, someone's local identity is probably different from their global identity. She also describes sense of place as the process of infusing a place with "meaning and feeling." In recent years she has written three books that have proven less controversial: Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to Interpreting Visual Materials, Deterritorialisations: Revisioning Landscape and Politics, and Doing Family Photography: The Domestic, The Public and The Politics of Sentiment.
Key publications
Rose, G., Feminism & Geography: The Limits of Geographical Knowledge, U of Minnesota Press.
Rose, G., Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to Interpreting Visual Materials, second edition, Sage.
Dorrian, M. and Rose, G. Deterritoralisations: Revisioning Landscape and Politics, Black Dog Press.
Rose, G., 'Just how, exactly, is geography visual?' Antipode, vol. 35, pp. 212–21.
Rose, G., 'Domestic spacings and family photography: a case study', Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, vol. 28, pp. 5–18.
Rose, G., 'Everyone's cuddled up and it just looks really nice': the emotional geography of some mums and their family photos', Social and Cultural Geography, vol. 5 pp. 549–64.
Rose, G., 'You just have to make a conscious effort to keep snapping away, I think': a case study of family photos, mothering and familial space', in Hardy, S and Wiedmer, C, Motherhood and Space: Configurations of the Maternal Through Politics, Home, and the Body, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 221–40.
Rose, G., Doing Family Photography: The Domestic, The Public and The Politics of Sentiment, Ashgate