Girls Will Be Girls is a 2003 comedy film written and directed by Richard Day. Starring Jack Plotnick, Clinton Leupp and Jeffery Roberson as three actresses at various places in their careers, the film is a parody of Hollywood-related movies like Sunset Boulevard, All About Eve, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, Mommie Dearest and Valley of the Dolls.
Evie Harris is a washed-up, alcoholic, aging C-List actress. She lives in a tackily out-of-style bungalow with Coco, a homely, lonely, doormat of a spinster who carries a torch for the handsome young doctor who performed her abortion years ago. Evie's life is turned upside-down by the arrival of a new roommate, Varla Simonds, the voracious, starry-eyed daughter of Evie's rival, late actress Marla Simonds. Evie acts very competitive around Varla, especially as she recognizes the growing chemistry between the young up-and-comer and her sweet, handsome and microscopically endowed son and "ambulance chasing" lawyer, Stevie. When Varla snags a plum starring role in commercials for "Bizzy Gal dinners," tensions and jealousies amongst the three women reach a boiling point and treachery soon rears its ugly head.
In a 2008 interview, Leupp said that the origin of the film was a drag event benefit co-hosted by Plotnick and himself. Leupp noted, "we were such a hit that everyone said we should do something else together. Out of that we created Girls Will Be Girls. We decided we needed that third person — the formula is Varla makes Evie crazy, Evie starts acting out and ends up hurting Coco." He went on to say that Day had originally written the movie as a situation comedy for Showtime, but the network had passed on it at the last minute, so it was made as a film "hoping that the new gay networks would be interested."
A spin-off web series starring Plotnick, Leupp, and Roberson appeared on YouTube on December 6, 2007, starting with the holiday sketch, "Christmas Evie", featuring Tom Lenk. The first official episode of the internet shorts, "The Jizz Party" premiered on December 21, 2007. The series continues the story of the three women after the events of the film. Coco has divorced her husband and moved back in with Evie, and is going through life as a single mother. Early in the series, Varla is experiencing a backlash of fame: she is being stalked by someone she considers undesirable. Episodes:
Delivering Coco Part I – featuring Scott Thompson as Coco's mother
Delivering Coco Part II – featuring Scott Thompson as Coco's mother
Girl Stalk, Part I
Girl Stalk, Part II – noted as being the season finale
"Girl Stalk" was re-edited and featured on YouTube in 6 smaller parts; however, there is no additional content.
A sequel was filmed in 2012, funded by a Kickstarter campaign. A Tumblr page has been created documenting the progress of the film. No release date has been announced.