Giselle Tavera

Giselle Tavera Madera, known professionally as Giselle Tavera, is a Dominican singer.

Early life

Tavera was born in Esperanza, Dominican Republic and later immigrated to Cherry Hill, New Jersey at the age of seven. Tavera states that she grew up surrounded by Dominican and Mexican cultures.


Tavera sings in both English and Spanish. She has several songs that have ranked on Billboard charts. Examples of her songs include a bachata version of the song All I Want for Christmas Is You, Time After Time, and her album "Somos Más" which has bilingual songs. In 2013, Tavera sang The Star-Spangled Banner for a Philadelphia Eagles game. In preparation for her next album, Tavera recorded songs with Tito Nieves and Luis Vargas. Tavera performed a collection of bachata songs dedicated to Puerto Rican singer, Sophy Hernández at the 2017 Golden Latin Awards in Pennsylvania.

Selected discography

Awards and nominations