
Gitea is an open-source forge software package for hosting software development version control using Git as well as other collaborative features like bug tracking, wikis and code review. It supports self-hosting but also provides a free public first-party instance hosted on DiDi's cloud. It is a fork of Gogs and is written in Go. Gitea can be hosted on all platforms supported by Go including Linux, macOS, and Windows. The project is funded on Open Collective.


Gitea was created by a group of users and contributors of the self-hosted Git service Gogs. Though Gogs was an open source project, its repository was under the sole control of a single maintainer, limiting the amount of input and speed with which the community could influence the development. Frustrated by this, the Gitea developers began Gitea as a fork of Gogs in November of 2016 and established a community-driven model for its development. It had its official 1.0 release the following month, December of 2016.