Gitte Moos Knudsen
Gitte Moos Knudsen is a Danish translational neurobiologist and clinical neurologist, and Clinical Professor and Chief Physician at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry and Sensory Sciences, at Copenhagen University Hospital. She graduated from Lyngby Statsskole, just north of Copenhagen, before gaining entrance to medicine, where she received her MD from University of Copenhagen in 1984, and became a Board certified user of radioisotopes in 1986. She sat the FMGEMS exam in 1989. She became Board certified in neurology in 1994 and received her DMSc from University of Copenhagen in 1994. She currently resides in Copenhagen, and is married to Tore Vulpius. She has 3 children.
Knudsen is one of the leading figures in the neurosciences, assisting various European Union nations to prioritize research and grants. In addition, her research into the brain and its chemistry during depression, Alzheimer's Disease, and states induced by drugs such as GHB and ecstasy is at the forefront of world knowledge, and she is a noted scholar in these areas, publishing many papers on each topic. Her interest in brain imaging has led to a deeper understanding of how many receptors act within the brain, and she has produced studies using SPECT, PET, and MRI results to interpret these. A key issue is that the latest brain research not only contributes to increased understanding of brain functions, but is also used to attempt to explain what it means to be human.CIMBI
The Lundbeck Foundation, created in 1954, donated one of the largest amounts ever given toward the development of medical knowledge, listing a total of DKK 504 million to various institutions in 2011. With a 40 million grant from this program, Knudsen, together with a team of researchers from the Center for Integrated Molecular Imaging of the Brain, University of Copenhagen, are concentrating on investigating the neural bases of personality that predispose individuals to various disorders, using PET and MRI technology. She is currently the Center Director of The Lundbeck Foundation Centre for Integrated Molecular Brain Imaging.Research focus
Regarding her research, Knudsen states:I am a translational neurobiologist and clinical neurologist with interest in advanced methodological developments that I subsequently apply in my research to address pertinent neurobiological and clinical issues. My scientific interests have fallen in three sequentially separated categories:
- blood-brain barrier transport – which was the basis for my DMSc thesis,
- neurobiology of cerebral blood flow and metabolism and
- neurobiology of the neurotransmission with particular emphasis on molecular brain imaging. CIMBI focuses on the neural bases of personality dimensions that predispose individuals to e.g., affective and substance use disorders, with special emphasis on the serotonergic neurotransmitter system.
- Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters since 2004.
- Prize 1994 of the Société de Circulation et Métabolism du Cerveau, France ;
- Anne Bochardt Prize 1999 awarded by the Medical Society in Copenhagen;
- William Ottesen & Wife’s Foundation 2008, Denmark;
- Monrad-Krohn Prize for the Advancement of Neurological Research 2010, Norway;
- Niels Lassen Prize 2011, Denmark
Previous appointments
- Visiting scientist at NIH and at Stony Brook, United States,
- Visiting scientist at Institute of Physiology, Bonn, Germany
- Visiting scientist at MGH Harvard, Boston.
- Clinical education has predominantly taken place at Rigshospitalet and has been interspersed by a three years appointment as research fellow at the Dept. of Neurology, and by maternal leave in 1989, 1992, and 1995.
- Appointed as research professor in Neurobiology and Chief Neurologist at University of Copenhagen in 1999.
- Professor of Neurology at University of Copenhagen 2005–2006 and of Neurobiology from 2004.
Present appointments
- Chief neurologist at Dept Neurology, Rigshospitalet and
- Chairperson at the Neurobiology ResearchUnit, Rigshospitalet, and
- Director of the Lundbeck Foundation Center for Integrated Molecular Brain Imaging.
- Professor in Clinical Neurobiology at the University of Copenhagen.
Positions of trust and research assessments
- President-elect of the ECNP
- Member of the Board of Directors 1995–1999 and Scientific Secretary 2001–2005 of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism;
- Member of the Danish Society for Neuroscience from 1997
- President 2010–) of the Scientific Ethics Committee for Copenhagen and Frederiksberg 1998–2002;
- President of the Research Council of the Medical Faculty at the University of Copenhagen from 1999–2005;
- Chairman for the steering group for research laboratories at Rigshospitalet from 1999, Scientific Advisory Board Member, Health Science Faculty, University of Lund 2007–10.
- Examiner at PhD and DMSc theses in Denmark, Canada, Sweden, Australia, and Finland.
- Member of EU’s Fifth Framework Expert Panel for evaluation of research applications, Brussels, in 1999, 2000, and 2005
- Member of EU’s Fifth Framework Expert Panel for evaluation of research applications for the Norwegian Research Council 2006-7,
- Member of EU’s Fifth Framework Expert Panel for evaluation of research applications for Danish Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Research Committee 2007-9,
- Member of EU’s Fifth Framework Expert Panel for evaluation of research applications for the Swedish Research Council and VINNOVA 2005–2008.
- Member of the Danish Health Advisory Group for the EU 7th Framework Program 2009–.
- Member of the program committee of the Danish Council for Strategic Research 2009–.
- Executive Committee of European College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2010–.
- Editorial Board member on Journals Cerebral Bloodflow and Metabolism, CurrentRadiopharmaceuticals, and Biology of Mood and Anxiety Disorders.
- Faculty member at international courses for postgraduates and invited speaker at international meetings about 10 times yearly.
- Leader of Neurobiology Research Unit at Rigshospitalet since 2004. NRU encompasses around 50 staff members, publishes around 35 peer-reviewed papers per year and has an annual budget of roughly 5 mio $ or 3.5 mio €.
- Director of the Lundbeck Foundation Center for Integrated Molecular Brain Imaging since 2006; based on an 11 mio € grant donation from the Lundbeck Foundation to establish a neuroscience center.
International relations
- European collaborations within the EUREKA Program ; the COST EU Program. Coordinator of EU Fifth Framework program on “Neuroreceptor mapping in patients with mild cognitive impairment”, 2001-6. Partner within the EU 6th and 7th Framework programs DiMI, Euripides, and InMind .
- Partner in the European multicentre database of healthy controls for FP-CIT SPECT since 2005 and partner in METPETS.
- Affiliated partner in the International Consortium for Brain Mapping.
- Visiting professor at the Martinos Center, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University, Boston, USA, 2011–12. Several joint research projects were established during that period, with exchange of PhD-students and senior scientists from both sides, and so far two joint funding grants.
Publications since 2010
- Risgaard, R, Ettrup, AJ, Balle, T, Dyssegaard, A, Hansen, HD, Lehel, S, Madsen, J, Pedersen, H, Püschl, A, Badolo, L, Bang-Andersen, B, Knudsen, GM & Kristensen, JL 2013, "Radiolabelling and PET brain imaging of the a1-adrenoceptor antagonist Lu AE43936"Nuclear Medicine and Biology', vol 40, nr. 1, s. 135–140.
- Andersen, VL, Herth, MM, Lehel, S, Knudsen, GM & Kristensen, JL 2013, "Palladium-mediated conversion of para-aminoarylboronic esters into para-aminoaryl- 11C-methanes" Tetrahedron Letters, vol 54, nr. 3, s. 213–216.
- Ziebell, M, Khalid, U, Klein, AB, Aznar, S, Thomsen, G, Jensen, P, Knudsen, GM & Jensen, PS 2012, "Striatal dopamine transporter binding correlates with serum BDNF levels in patients with striatal dopaminergic neurodegeneration" Neurobiology of Aging.
- Madsen, KS, Jernigan, TL, Iversen, P, Frokjaer, VG, Mortensen, EL, Knudsen, GM & Baaré, WFC 2012, "Cortisol awakening response and negative emotionality linked to asymmetry in major limbic fibre bundle architecture", vol 201, nr. 1, s. 63–72.
- Koefoed, P, Woldbye, DPD, Hansen, TO, Eplov, LF, Christiansen, SHO, Mors, O, Kessing, LV, Werge, T, Kaipio, K, Pesonen, U, Fahmy, T, Mellerup, ET, Jakobsen, KD, Hansen, ES, Knudsen, GM, Bukh, JD, Bock, C, Lindberg, C, Kristensen, AS, Dam, H, Nordentoft, M, Als, TD, Wang, AG, Gether, U, Rehfeld, JF & Bolwig, TG 2012, "Association of the leucine-7 to proline-7 variation in the signal sequence of neuropeptide Y with major depression" Acta Neuropsychiatrica, vol 24, nr. 81-90.
- Absalom, N, Eghorn, LF, Villumsen, IS, Karim, N, Bay, T, Olsen, JV, Knudsen, GM, Bräuner-Osborne, H, Frølund, B, Clausen, RP, Chebib, M & Wellendorph, P 2012, "a4ßd GABA A receptors are high-affinity targets for ¿-hydroxybutyric acid " National Academy of Sciences. Proceedings, vol 109, nr. 33, s. 13404-13409.
- Marner, L, Frøkjær, V, Kalbitzer, J, Lehel, S, Madsen, K, Baaré, WFC, Knudsen, GM & Hasselbalch, SG 2012, "Loss of serotonin 2A receptors exceeds loss of serotonergic projections in early Alzheimer's disease: a combined DASB and altanserin-PET study" Neurobiology of Aging, vol 33, nr. 3, s. 479-87.
- Ziebell, M, Andersen, BB, Thomsen, G, Pinborg, LH, Karlsborg, M, Hasselbalch, SG & Knudsen, GM 2012, "Predictive value of dopamine transporter SPECT imaging with PE2I in patients with subtle parkinsonian symptoms" European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, vol 39, nr. 2, s. 242-50.
- Madsen, K, Hasselbalch, BJ, Frederiksen, KS, Haahr, ME, Gade, A, Law, I, Price, JC, Knudsen, GM, Kessing, LV & Hasselbalch, S 2012, "Lack of association between prior depressive episodes and cerebral PiB binding" Neurobiology of Aging, vol 33, nr. 10, s. 2334–2342.
- Herth, MM, Hansen, HD, Ettrup, AJ, Dyssegaard, A, Lehel, S, Kristensen, JL & Knudsen, GM 2012, "Synthesis and evaluation of Cimbi-806 as a potential PET ligand for 5-HT 7 receptor imaging" Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, vol 20, nr. 14, s. 4574–4581.
- Herth, MM, Volk, B, Pallagi, K, Koefoed Bech, L, A. Antoni, F, Knudsen, GM & Kristensen, JL 2012, "Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation of Oxindole Derivatives as Potential Radioligands for 5-HT7 Receptor Imaging with PET" ACS Chemical Neuroscience, vol 3, nr. 12, s. 1002–1007.
- Madsen, K, Erritzøe, DF, Mortensen, EL, Gade, A, Madsen, J, Baaré, WFC, Knudsen, GM & Hasselbalch, SG 2011, "Cognitive function is related to fronto-striatal serotonin transporter levels—a brain PET study in young healthy subjects" Psychopharmacology, vol 213, nr. 2-3, s. 573-81.
- Ettrup, A, Hansen, M, Santini, MA, Paine, JS, Gillings, N, Palner, M, Lehel, S, Herth, MM, Madsen, J, Kristensen, JL, Begtrup, M & Knudsen, GM 2011, "Radiosynthesis and in vivo evaluation of a series of substituted 11 C-phenethylamines as 5-HT 2A agonist PET tracers" European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, vol 38, nr. 4, s. 681–693.
- Rasmussen, H, Ebdrup, BH, Erritzoe, D, Aggernaes, B, Oranje, B, Kalbitzer, JGM, Pinborg, LH, Baaré, WFC, Svarer, C, Lublin, H, Knudsen, GM & Glenthøj, BY 2011, "Serotonin2A receptor blockade and clinical effect in first-episode schizophrenia patients treated with quetiapine" Psychopharmacology, vol 213, s. 583–592.
- Marner, L, Knudsen, GM, Madsen, K, Holm, S, Baaré, W, Hasselbalch, SG & Holm, S 2011, "The Reduction of Baseline Serotonin 2A Receptors in Mild Cognitive Impairment is Stable at Two-year Follow-up" Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol 23, nr. 3, s. 453-9.
- Kupers, R, Frokjaer, VG, Erritzoe, D, Naert, A, Budtz-Jørgensen, E, Nielsen, FA, Kehlet, H & Knudsen, GM 2011, "Serotonin transporter binding in the hypothalamus correlates negatively with tonic heat pain ratings in healthy subjects: a DASB PET study" NeuroImage, vol 54, nr. 2, s. 1336–43.
- Jennings, KA, Licht, CL, Bruce, A, Lesch, K-P, Knudsen, GM & Sharp, T 2012, "Genetic variation in 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter expression causes adaptive changes in 5-HT4 receptor levels" International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, vol 15, nr. 8, s. 1099–1107.
- Madsen, K, Neumann, W-J, Holst, KK, Marner, L, Haahr, MT, Lehel, S, Knudsen, GM & Hasselbalch, S 2011, "Cerebral Serotonin 4 receptors and Amyloid-ß in Early Alzheimer's Disease" Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol 26, nr. 3, s. 457–466.
- Erritzøe, DF, Frøkjær, VG, Holst, KK, Christoffersen, M, Johansen, SS, Svarer, C, Madsen, J, Rasmussen, PM, Ramsøy, T, Jernigan, TL & Knudsen, GM 2011, "In vivo imaging of cerebral serotonin transporter and serotonin2A receptor binding in 3,4 – methylenedioxymethamphetamine and hallucinogen users" Archives of General Psychiatry, vol 68, nr. 6, s. 562–576.
- Madsen, K, Hasselbalch, J, Frederiksen, KS, Haahr, ME, Gade, A, Law, I, Price, JC, Knudsen, GM, Kessing, LV & Hasselbalch, SG 2011, "Lack of association between prior depressive episodes and cerebral PiB binding" Neurobiology of Aging.
- Madsen, K, Haahr, MT, Marner, L, Keller, SH, Baaré, WF, Svarer, C, Hasselbalch, SG & Knudsen, GM 2011, "Age and sex effects on 5-HT receptors in the human brain: a SB207145 PET study" Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, vol 31, nr. 6, s. 1475–81.
- Madsen, J, Elfving, B, Frøkjær, V, Kornum, BR, Thomsen, G, Martiny, L & Knudsen, GM 2011, "Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 125I/123I-Labelled Analogues of Citalopram and Escitalopram as Potential Radioligands for Imaging of the Serotonin Transporter" Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, vol 54, s. 185–190.
- Santini, M, Klein, AB, El-Sayed, M, Ratner, C, Knudsen, GM, Mikkelsen, JD & Aznar, S 2011, "Novelty-induced activity-regulated cytoskeletal-associated protein expression in frontal cortex requires serotonin 2A receptor activation" Neuroscience, vol 190, s. 251-7.
- Palner, M, Kjaerby, C, Knudsen, GM & Cumming, P 2011, "Effects of unilateral 6-OHDA lesions on -N-propylnorapomorphine binding in striatum ex vivo and vulnerability to amphetamine-evoked dopamine release in rat" Neurochemistry International, vol 58, nr. 3, s. 243-7.
- Palner, M, Underwood, MD, Kumar, DJS, Arango, V, Knudsen, GM, John Mann, J & Parsey, RV 2011, "Ex vivo evaluation of the serotonin 1A receptor partial agonist CUMI-101 in awake rats" Synapse, vol 65, nr. 8, s. 715-23.
- Madsen, K, Marner, L, Haahr, M, Gillings, N & Knudsen, GM 2011, "Mass dose effects and in vivo affinity in brain PET receptor studies—a study of cerebral 5-HT4 receptor binding with SB207145" Nuclear Medicine and Biology, vol 38, nr. 8, s. 1085–91.
- Liu, X, Cannon, DM, Akula, N, Moya, PR, Knudsen, GM, Arentzen, T, Steele, J, Laje, G, Drevets, WC & McMahon, FJ 2011, "A non-synonymous polymorphism in galactose mutarotase is associated with serotonin transporter binding potential in the human thalamus: results of a genome-wide association study" Molecular Psychiatry, vol 16, nr. 6, s. 584-5.
- Kornum, BR & Knudsen, GM 2011, "Cognitive testing of pigs in translational biobehavioral research" Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, vol 35, nr. 3, s. 437-51.
- Klein, AB, Williamson, R, Santini, MA, Clemmensen, C, Ettrup, A, Rios, M, Knudsen, GM & Aznar, S 2011, "Blood BDNF concentrations reflect brain-tissue BDNF levels across species" International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, vol 14, nr. 3, s. 347-53.
- Ettrup, A, Mikkelsen, JD, Lehel, S, Madsen, J, Nielsen, EØ, Palner, M, Timmermann, DB, Peters, D & Knudsen, GM 2011, "11C-NS14492 as a novel PET radioligand for imaging cerebral alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: in vivo evaluation and drug occupancy measurements" Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol 52, nr. 9, s. 1449–56.
- Ettrup, A, Hansen, M, Santini, MA, Paine, JS, Gillings, N, Palner, M, Lehel, S, Herth, MM, Madsen, J, Kristensen, J, Begtrup, ME & Knudsen, GM 2011, "Radiosynthesis and in vivo evaluation of a series of substituted 11C-phenethylamines as 5-HT agonist PET tracers" European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, vol 38, nr. 4, s. 681-93.
- Ettrup, A, Kornum, BR, Weikop, P & Knudsen, GM 2011, "An approach for serotonin depletion in pigs: effects on serotonin receptor binding" Synapse, vol 65, nr. 2, s. 136-45.
- Aznar, S & Knudsen, GM 2011, "Depression and Alzheimer's disease: is stress the initiating factor in a common neuropathological cascade?" Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol 23, nr. 2, s. 177-93.
- Jensen, PS, Ziebell, M, Skouboe, G, Khalid, U, de Nijs, R, Thomsen, G, Knudsen, GM & Svarer, C 2011, "Validation of a method for accurate and highly reproducible quantification of brain dopamine transporter SPECT studies" Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, vol 39, nr. 4, s. 271-8.
- Frøkjær, VG, Vinberg, M, Erritzoe, D, Baaré, W, Holst, KK, Mortensen, EL, Arfan, H, Madsen, J, Jernigan, TL, Kessing, LV & Knudsen, GM 2010, "Familial risk for mood disorder and the personality risk factor, neuroticism, interact in their association with frontolimbic serotonin 2A receptor binding" Neuropsychopharmacology, vol 35, nr. 5, s. 1129–37.
- Palner, M, McCormick, P, Gillings, N, Begtrup, M, Wilson, AA & Knudsen, GM 2010, "Radiosynthesis and ex vivo evaluation of --2-chloro- N - n -propylnorapomorphine:" Nuclear Medicine and Biology, vol 37, nr. 1, s. 35–40.
- Koefoed, P, Woldbye, DP, Hansen, TO, Hansen, ES, Knudsen, GM, Bolwig, TG & Rehfeld, JF 2010, "Gene variations in the cholecystokinin system in patients with panic disorder" Psychiatric Genetics, vol 20, nr. 2, s. 59–64.
- Paulson, OB, Hasselbalch, SG, Rostrup, E, Knudsen, GM & Pelligrino, D 2010, "Cerebral blood flow response to functional activation" Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, vol 30, nr. 1, s. 2–14.
- Wellendorph, P, Høg, S, Sabbatini, P, Pedersen, MHF, Martiny, L, Knudsen, GM, Frølund, BF, Clausen, RP & Bräuner-Osborne, H 2010, "Novel radioiodinated ¿-hydroxybutyric acid analogues for radiolabeling and photolinking of high-affinity ¿-hydroxybutyric acid binding sites" Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, vol 335, nr. 2, s. 458–464.
- Frokjaer, VG, Erritzoe, D, Juul, A, Nielsen, FA, Holst, K, Svarer, C, Madsen, J, Paulson, OB & Knudsen, GM 2010, "Endogenous plasma estradiol in healthy men is positively correlated with cerebral cortical serotonin 2A receptor binding" Psychoneuroendocrinology, vol 35, nr. 9, s. 1311–20.
- Miskowiak, KW, Vinberg, M, Harmer, CJ, Ehrenreich, H, Knudsen, GM, Macoveanu, J, Hansen, AR, Paulson, OB, Siebner, HR & Kessing, LV 2010, "Effects of erythropoietin on depressive symptoms and neurocognitive deficits in depression and bipolar disorder" Trials, vol 11, s. 97.
- Baaré, WFC, Vinberg, M, Knudsen, GM, Paulson, OB, Langkilde, AR, Jernigan, TL & Kessing, LV 2010, "Hippocampal volume changes in healthy subjects at risk of unipolar depression" Journal of Psychiatric Research, vol 44, nr. 10, s. 655–662.
- Ettrup, A, Palner, M, Gillings, N, Santini, MA, Hansen, M, Kornum, BR, Rasmussen, LK, Någren, K, Madsen, J, Begtrup, M & Knudsen, GM 2010, "Radiosynthesis and evaluation of 11 C-CIMBI-5 as a 5-HT 2A receptor agonist radioligand for PET" Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol 51, nr. 11, s. 1763–1770.
- Rasmussen, H, Erritzoe, D, Andersen, R, Ebdrup, BH, Aggernaes, B, Oranje, B, Kalbitzer, J, Madsen, J, Pinborg, LH, Baaré, W, Svarer, C, Lublin, H, Knudsen, GM & Glenthøj, BY 2010, "Decreased frontal serotonin2A receptor binding in antipsychotic-naive patients with first-episode schizophrenia" Archives of General Psychiatry, vol 67, nr. 1, s. 9–16.
- Benveniste, H, Fowler, JS, Rooney, WD, Scharf, BA, Backus, WW, Izrailtyan, I, Knudsen, GM, Hasselbalch, SG & Volkow, ND 2010, "Cocaine is pharmacologically active in the nonhuman primate fetal brain" National Academy of Sciences. Proceedings, vol 107, nr. 4, s. 1582-7.
- Marner, L, Gillings, N, Madsen, K, Erritzoe, D, Baaré, WFC, Svarer, C, Hasselbalch, SG & Knudsen, GM 2010, "Brain imaging of serotonin 4 receptors in humans with SB207145-PET" NeuroImage, vol 50, nr. 3, s. 855-61.
- Ziebell, M, Pinborg, LH, Thomsen, G, de Nijs, R, Svarer, C, Wagner, A & Knudsen, GM 2010, "MRI-guided region-of-interest delineation is comparable to manual delineation in dopamine transporter SPECT quantification in patients: a reproducibility study" Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, vol 38, nr. 2, s. 61-8.
- Ziebell, M, Holm-Hansen, S, Thomsen, G, Wagner, A, Jensen, P, Pinborg, LH & Knudsen, GM 2010, "Serotonin transporters in dopamine transporter imaging: a head-to-head comparison of dopamine transporter SPECT radioligands 123I-FP-CIT and 123I-PE2I" Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol 51, nr. 12, s. 1885–91.
- Licht, CL, Knudsen, GM & Sharp, T 2010, "Effects of the 5-HT receptor agonist RS67333 and paroxetine on hippocampal extracellular 5-HT levels" Neuroscience Letters, vol 476, nr. 2, s. 58–61.
- Thomsen, G & Knudsen, GM 2010, "Procedure guideline for brain perfusion SPECT using 99mTc radiopharmaceuticals 3.0" Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, vol 38, nr. 4, s. 209.
- Wellendorph, P, Høg, S, Sabbatini, P, Pedersen, MHF, Martiny, L, Knudsen, GM, Frølund, BF, Clausen, RP & Bräuner-Osborne, H 2010, "Novel radioiodinated -hydroxybutyric acid analogues for radiolabeling and Photolinking of high-affinity -hydroxybutyric acid binding sites" Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, vol 335, nr. 2, s. 458-64.
- Paterson, LM, Tyacke, RJ, Nutt, DJ & Knudsen, GM 2010, "Measuring endogenous 5-HT release by emission tomography: promises and pitfalls" Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, vol 30, nr. 10, s. 1682-706.
- Palner, M, McCormick, P, Parkes, J, Knudsen, GM & Wilson, AA 2010, "Systemic catechol-O-methyl transferase inhibition enables the D1 agonist radiotracer R-SKF 82957" Nuclear Medicine and Biology, vol 37, nr. 7, s. 837-43.
- Licht, CL, Kirkegaard, L, Zueger, M, Chourbaji, S, Gass, P, Aznar, S & Knudsen, GM 2010, "Changes in 5-HT4 receptor and 5-HT transporter binding in olfactory bulbectomized and glucocorticoid receptor heterozygous mice" Neurochemistry International, vol 56, nr. 4, s. 603-10.
- Kornum, BR, Stott, SRW, Mattsson, B, Wisman, L, Ettrup, A, Hermening, S, Knudsen, GM & Kirik, D 2010, "Adeno-associated viral vector serotypes 1 and 5 targeted to the neonatal rat and pig striatum induce widespread transgene expression in the forebrain" Experimental Neurology, vol 222, nr. 1, s. 70–85.
- Klein, AB, Santini, MA, Aznar, S, Knudsen, GM & Rios, M 2010, "Changes in 5-HT2A-mediated behavior and 5-HT2A- and 5-HT1A receptor binding and expression in conditional brain-derived neurotrophic factor knock-out mice" Laser Neuroscience, vol 169, nr. 3, s. 1007–16.
- Holm, P, Ettrup, A, Klein, AB, Santini, MA, El-Sayed, M, Elvang, AB, Stensbøl, TB, Mikkelsen, JD, Knudsen, GM & Kleijn, SA 2010, "Plaque deposition dependent decrease in 5-HT2A serotonin receptor in AbetaPPswe/PS1dE9 amyloid overexpressing mice" Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol 20, nr. 4, s. 1201–13.
- Aznar, S, Klein, AB, Santini, MA, Knudsen, GM, Henn, F, Gass, P & Vollmayr, B 2010, "Aging and depression vulnerability interaction results in decreased serotonin innervation associated with reduced BDNF levels in hippocampus of rats bred for learned helplessness" Synapse, vol 64, nr. 7, s. 561-5.
- Palner, M, McCormick, P, Gillings, N, Begtrup, M, Wilson, AA & Knudsen, GM 2010, "Radiosynthesis and ex vivo evaluation of --2-chloro-N-n-propylnorapomorphine" Nuclear Medicine and Biology, vol 37, nr. 1, s. 35–40.
- Klein, AB, Trajkovska, V, Erritzoe, D, Haugbol, S, Madsen, J, Baaré, W, Aznar, S & Knudsen, GM 2010, "Cerebral 5-HT2A receptor and serotonin transporter binding in humans are not affected by the val66met BDNF polymorphism status or blood BDNF levels" Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, vol 30, nr. 11, s. e1-7.
- Ettrup, A, Palner, M, Gillings, N, Santini, MA, Hansen, M, Kornum, BR, Rasmussen, LK, Någren, KÅ, Madsen, J, Begtrup, M & Knudsen, GM 2010, "Radiosynthesis and evaluation of 11C-CIMBI-5 as a 5-HT2A receptor agonist radioligand for PET" Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol 51, nr. 11, s. 1763–70.
- Kramer, V, Herth, MM, Santini, MA, Palner, M, Knudsen, GM & Rösch, F 2010, "Structural combination of established 5-HT receptor ligands: new aspects of the binding mode" Chemical Biology & Drug Design, vol 76, nr. 4, s. 361-6.
- Marner, L, Frokjaer, VG, Kalbitzer, J, Lehel, S, Madsen, K, Baaré, WFC, Knudsen, GM & Hasselbalch, SG 2010, "Loss of serotonin 2A receptors exceeds loss of serotonergic projections in early Alzheimer's disease: a combined DASB and altanserin-PET study" Neurobiology of Aging.