Glendale High School (Missouri)

Glendale High School is an American high school in the southwest area of Springfield, Missouri, near U.S. Route 65. Glendale is one of five public high schools in Springfield Public Schools. In 2010, it had an enrollment of 1,416 students.


State Championships

The choral students at Glendale have been selected for District, State, Regional and National Honors Choirs. In 2005, the Glendale High School Chamber Choir sang for the National American Choral Directors Convention in Los Angeles, California, and also in St. Louis, Missouri for the 2006 Southwestern Regional ACDA Convention.
Glendale's orchestra has two divisions: the freshman and advanced.
Glendale's band consists of concert, jazz, marching bands. The marching band has performed in numerous bowl parades, the most recent being the 2001 Orange Bowl Parade.
The Glendale Theatre department students have attended the Missouri Fine Arts Academy.
The art department is active in The Memory Project, a program where artists make portraits of underprivileged children around the world in order to foster friendship, caring, and a sense of self-worth
