Gluteal aponeurosis

The gluteal aponeurosis is a fibrous membrane, from the fascia lata, that lies between the iliac crest and the superior border of the gluteus maximus. A part of the gluteus medius arises from this membrane.
The superficial fascia of this region is very thick, especially in women and is impregnated with large quantities of fat. It is one of the major factors that contribute to the prominence of the buttock.
The deep fascia of gluteal region is continuous below with the deep fascia of thigh, which is also called the “fascia lata”. The fascia, in the gluteal region, splits to enclose the gluteus maximus muscle. Above the gluteus maximus, it continues as a single layer that covers the outer surface of the gluteus medius and is attached to iliac crest of the hip bone. On the lateral aspect of thigh, this fascia is thickened to form a strong band of connective tissue, known as the iliotibial tract. It is a strong wide band that is attached above to the tubercle of the iliac crest and below to the lateral condyle of tibia. The iliotibial tract forms a sheath for tensor fascia lata muscle and also receives a greater part of the insertion of gluteus maximus muscle.