Gnaphalium sylvaticum

Gnaphalium sylvaticum, commonly known as heath cudweed, wood cudweed, golden motherwort, chafeweed, and owl's crown, is a species of plant in the sunflower family. It is widespread across much of Europe. The species was first formally described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753.


It is a perennial herb with short runners.
The plant is 8 to 60 cm tall.
The leaves are lanceolate in shape, pointed, 2 to 8 cm long, with a single vein. They have no hair on top, but are woolly hairy below. The upper leaves become progressively shorter and narrower.
The flower heads are 6mm long. The bracts of the flower heads have a green centre, and chaffy brown edges. The florets are pale brown. The achenes are hairy with reddish pappus hairs.
It flowers from July until September.