The show chronicles the daily activities at Max Motors, a small-town car dealership run by Mark Muller with his business partner, brother, Erich "Mancow" Muller. The show was filmed in and around the rural town of Butler, Bates County, Missouri, which is in the southern portion of the Kansas City metropolitan area. Mark Muller retired from his consulting business at age 42 and moved from Kansas City to Butler but soon became bored with retirement and established the business in Butler in 2006, naming it for his first son, Max. The business has since expanded to include a second dealership in Nevada, Missouri in addition to an auto towing business and finance business. Mancow Muller has been a silent partner in the various business enterprises for years but recently began taking a more active role—sometimes leading to conflict. The show frequently features the conflict arising from their differing life-styles and Mancow's dislike of the "outlaw" personalities that Mark hires as salespersons.
In 2014 Country Music singer Jimmy Miles recorded Country Born, American Made, a patriotic song which was modeled on Mark Muller. The official music video to the song was partly filmed at Max Motors and also co-stars God, Guns & Automobiles protagonist Mark Muller. The song was produced by TM Garret and will be featured on Jimmy Miles 2015 album "American Rambler" on Mid South Music Records.
Muller Family
Mark Muller: Founder and majority owner of Max Motors.
Erich "Mancow" Muller: Brother of Mark and co-owner of Max Motors.
Max Muller: Mark's oldest son and namesake of the auto business. He has recently quit college to work at the business that bears his name.
Max Motors Employees
Rod Berry: Nicknamed "Hot Rod", salesman Rodney Berry is known not only for his sales ability but for unusual behavior. For example, he once drove his wife's new car into a lake to see if the headlights worked underwater.
Jason Claspill: Mark's personal assistant, the former funeral director and Marine fills a variety of roles around Max Motors. In his spare time he serves as personal MMA fight trainer for fellow employee Brandon Huckaby.
Lisa Drewing
Matt Harvey: Considered one of Max Motors top sales staff, Matt "Cowboy" Harvey is a retired professional rodeo bullrider. However, as shown in Episode 2, Harvey has an alcohol abuse problem due in part to dealing with severe pain from his rodeo injuries.
Brandon "Mongo" Huckaby: "Mongo" Huckaby is the dealership's internet sales specialist. In his off-hours he is a former top-ranked ISCF cage fighter recovering from injury and training for future competition.
Larry "Metro" VanZandt: A former military policeman and corrections officer, Larry has worked with Mark Muller for nearly two decades. He is the General Manager of Max Motors.
The series is produced by the Canadian firm Zone3, a company that heretofor has specialized in producing French language dramas, magazine shows and youth programming. Tim Healy, known for his work on the MTV show Death Valley, serves as executive producer for History.