Godela Habel

Godela Habel is a German painter and artist.

Life and work

Godela Habel studied from 1950 to 1953 at the art schools of Wuppertal and Hanover, focusing on painting and graphic design. She is known for her paintings and collages. She combines the methods of drawing and painting in her occasionally secretive work and makes allowance for individual associations and interpretations. In February 2000 she displayed at an exhibition about "The Paint Theme" (German: "Thema Farbe" in the Künstlerforum at Bonn some more or less compacted lines and areas on paper and used paint in minutely shaded levels of brown, white and black, which were infiltrated by a hint of red. In the 1990s she completed her work on collages and focuses since then on drawings. She lives and works in Mehren.


Godela Habel obtained 1998 the GEDOK art award with a value of 5,000,-€, which was donated in 1988 as the Dr.-Theobald-Simon-Award by the art lover and patron Gabriele Vossebein in the memory of her father, the former director of the Bitburger brewery.
