Good Vibes (American TV series)

Good Vibes is an American adult animated sitcom created by David Gordon Green and Brad Ableson and Mike Clements for MTV. The series follows the exploits of recent New Jersey transplant Mondo and his new best friend Woodie as they live their life in Playa Del Toro, a fictional Southern California beach town. The show was originally sold to Fox in 2008, and a pilot produced. When Fox passed, the producers looked for other buyers and in 2010 they received a series order at MTV.
On February 24, 2012, the series was cancelled after one season.



Good Vibes received mixed reviews from critics. Some, like San Francisco Chronicle's David Wiegand found its writing to be "juvenile, hormonal and often pretty dang funny", while Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Rob Owen branded it "aggressively dumb, sex-obsessed and occasionally misogynistic". In its review of the first season, Emily VanDerWerff of The A.V. Club criticized the pilot, praised later episodes and expressed optimism towards the series' future, mentioning that "this isn’t a recommendation exactly—there are still a few too many problems with the surface level of the show—but the undercarriage is sound, and it wouldn’t be surprising if this developed into a surprisingly sweet and winning little show given enough time".
The show achieved a metascore of 58 on Metacritic and a Rotten Tomatoes score of 70%, with an average rating of 6.15/10. It was cancelled by MTV on February 24, 2012 due to low ratings.