Gorno Nerezi
Gorno Nerezi is a village in the municipality of Karpoš, North Macedonia. The settlement is situated at an altitude of 771 meters. It is located on the wooded slopes of Mt. Vodno, covers a 7 km radius.
Located in Gorno Nerezi is the Church of St. Panteleimon, dedicated to the protector of health. The church was constructed in 1164 by order of Alexius Angelus Comnenus, a member of the imperial family. The frescoes are famous examples of Comnenian Age Byzantine Art.Demographics
According to the 2002 census, the village had a total of 314 inhabitants. Ethnic groups in the village include:
- Albanians 282
- Macedonians 22
- Turks 6
- Vlachs 1
- Serbs 3