Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai!

Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai! is a 1989 Japanese comedy drama science fiction OVA written and directed by Mamoru Oshii and animated by Pierrot. A compilation film consisting of footage from the episodes entitled MAROKO, also directed by Oshii, was released in 1990.


The story revolves around a small, normal family known as the Yomota family: A boy named Inumaru, his father Kinekuni and his mother Tamiko. One day, a beautiful girl with a yellow flower hat at their front door, calling herself "Maroko Yomota," granddaughter of Inumaru who travels back in time with a time machine to visit her ancestors. Despite Tamiko's strong refusal to acknowledge her as a Yomota, Kinekuni and Inumaru welcome her to stay with them, and the structure of a happy family has begun to collapse.
The episodes are told in the form of a play.

Cast and characters

;Inumaru Yomota
;Maroko Yomota
;Kinekuni Yomota
;Tamiko Yomota / Tamiko Hakkoda
;Bunmei Miroto / Inumaro Yomota
;Bannai Tatara

Theme songs

  1. "Genzo-sama Banbanzai!"
  2. *August 5, 1989 - December 17, 1989
  3. *Lyricist: Yumi Kojima / Composer: Kenji Kawai / Arranger: Kenji Kawai / Singers: Yumi Kojima
  4. *Episodes: 1-5
  1. "The Watchdog of Time"
  2. *November 10, 1989
  3. *Lyricist: Yumi Kojima / Composer: Kenji Kawai / Arranger: Kenji Kawai / Singers: Tesshō Genda
  4. *Episode: 4
  5. "Detective Agencies do not Believe in Love"
  6. *December 17, 1989
  7. *Lyricist: Yumi Kojima / Composer: Kenji Kawai / Arranger: Kenji Kawai / Singers: Kōichi Yamadera, Machiko Washio
  8. *Episode: 5
  9. "Streetside Eating Song"
  10. *January 25, 1990
  11. *Lyricist: Yumi Kojima / Composer: Kenji Kawai / Arranger: Kenji Kawai / Singers: Toshio Furukawa
  12. *Episode: 6



The Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai! Original Soundtrack CD was released on August 21, 1993.

DVD releases