Granblue Fantasy The Animation

Granblue Fantasy The Animation is an anime adaptation of the Granblue Fantasy video game series. The first season, animated by A-1 Pictures, aired from April 2 to June 25, 2017. A second season, animated by MAPPA, aired from October 4 to December 27, 2019.


;Katalina Alize
;Io Euclase
;Black Knight


Light novel

A light novel adaptation was released in 2014. The series currently has four books that contain game codes that can be redeemed for special items in the game. The digital volumes of the Granblue Fantasy light novel also contain game codes.


An anime television series based on the franchise was announced in September 2015. The anime series is produced by A-1 Pictures and directed by Yūki Itō, featuring character designs by Toshifumi Akai, and music composed by Nobuo Uematsu, Tsutomu Narita and Yasunori Nishiki. Bump of Chicken performed the series' opening theme, titled "GO", and Haruhi performed the series' ending theme, titled "Sora no Parade". It was scheduled to premiere in January 2017, but it was delayed to April 2, 2017 for unknown reasons. An anime television special which aired the first two episodes of the anime television series was broadcast on January 21, 2017 on Tokyo MX prior to the anime series. Aniplex of America has licensed the series in North America. The 12-episode series aired from April 2 to June 18, 2017 on Tokyo MX and other channels. An extra episode "Another Sky" aired on Tokyo MX on June 25, 2017, and the Blu-ray/DVD Volume 7, released October 25, featured this and a second extra episode. MVM Films will release the series in the United Kingdom.
A second season was announced and aired from October 4 to December 27, 2019 on Tokyo MX and other channels. The second season is produced by MAPPA. Yui Umemoto directed the second season, while Kiyoko Yoshimura served as the new scriptwriter and Fumihide Sai as the new character designer. Tsutomu Narita and Yasunori Nishiki returned to compose the music. The main cast members returned to reprise their roles. Seven Billion Dots performed the series' opening theme, titled "Stay With Me", while adieu performed the series' ending theme "Ao". The second season ran for 14 episodes. An extra episode of the "Djeeta-hen" special, "One More Journey" aired on March 27, 2020.

Season 1

Season 2