Grander Musashi, also known as Super Fisher Grander Musashi and Musashi the Great, is a Japanese manga series created by Takashi Teshirogi that was adapted into two anime seasons. It is a fishing sport anime that teaches audiences fishing methods. The target of this anime is usually families and children; it teaches them to appreciate nature and not destroy it. The main theme is protecting Mother Earth from being destroyed by technology and the greed of humans. It has influenced many audiences to fish for sport, as well as giving a good message to preserve nature. Grander Musashi is supported by the Fishing Club in Japan, and in the ending credits it shows a gallery of the bass fish they captured.
The series is divided into two seasons: Grander Musashi and Grander Musashi RV.
Grander Musashi
Musashi lives with his father. His mother left them three years ago, but Musashi believes she will come back. One day they move from Tokyo to a village in the countryside. Musashi hates living in the countryside and asks his father to take him back to Tokyo. He wonders if his mother will be able to find him in their new home. Soon after moving to the countryside, Musashi happens to see a man fishing for bass with a decoy fish. Musashi is fascinated by lure fishing. He learns a lot from the man and discovers that his mother's father was a grand champion of bass fishing. Musashi feels that fishing could lead him to his missing mother. He shows a marvelous talent for lure fishing and takes trips with his new friends, Mio and Suguru, to many places around the world in search of incredible fish. Through fishing, Musashi comes to enjoy living amongst nature.
Grander Musashi RV
Musashi Kazama and his two friends, Mio and Suguru, continue their journey traveling around the world in search of seven mysterious objects of fantastic power called "Legenders" — legendary lures in the form of a fish that give more power to attract fish. However, if it uses too much power, it will either cause destruction or hope. Legenders are said to grant anyone who catches them the power to change the world. Unfortunately, Musashi ends up competing with several other fishermen who share his ambition of capturing a Legender.
Every fisher in the world dreams to become the best. To gain the title, each fisher has to go around the world and capture the biggest and best quality of bass. This is the hardest challenge because bass fish like to be in quiet places and are not easily tricked by any lure. The challenge gets tougher when the place is unstable, whether it is caused by nature or by the fisher themselves. Fishers must use their best techniques combined with their lures and their angler strength to win the tournament.
Hawk Legender — Works best in sunlight. It has sharp, gripping hooks to prevent fish from escaping. It can control sunlight power.
God Legender — The most powerful Legender. It can catch any kind of fish, no matter what the weather conditions are or how fast the fish is. It can control other Legenders.
Shark Legender — A lure with deadly speed in water but has fragile hooks that cannot reel in any fish heavier than 50 pounds. It can control the wood power.
Scissor Legender — Shaped like a crab, it has retractable pincer-like hooks and can catch more than one fish. It can control moon power.
Dragon Legender — A very long lure. Its segmented parts can make it look like living bait in the water, raising the chances of catching a fish quickly and easily. It can control rain power.
Spider Legender — Works best in muddy water. It can break through the hard mud pots that some fish hide in. It can control earth power.
Angel/Devil Legender — Formerly a very dangerous lure with very sharp hooks, it changes into a safer lure when it is used with the intention of pure fishing, not hurting other fishers.