Grange Moor

Grange Moor is a village in the Kirklees district of West Yorkshire, England. The village is situated between Huddersfield and Wakefield.
The village is represented on Kirkburton parish council and is in the Kirkburton ward of Kirklees Council.
Grange Moor is situated on moorland with the same name and is to the north of a road junction on the A642, A637 and B6118 roads. Shuttle Eye Colliery was situated near the crossroads, its site now occupied by warehousing.
The church is dedicated to St Bartholomew. The village school, Grange Moor Primary School, has places for 120 children.
The village is policed by the West Yorkshire Police.
Grange Moor Brass Band was formed 1854, and has had a band room in the village since 1937.


and Yorkshire Tiger operate bus services towards Huddersfield and Wakefield