Grant Fire

The Grant Fire was a wildfire that burned east of the city of Sacramento near the rural community of Sloughhouse in Sacramento County, California in the United States. Reported on the afternoon of Friday, June 12, near Grant Line Road the fire quickly grew to the size of as it burned predominantly in light flashy fuels and grasslands as it was fanned by heavy winds in the area. There were no reports of injuries and only one structure was damaged in the fire, however during the fires peak there were mandatory evacuations ordered near and around Glory Lane and Praire City OHV Park.


Reportedly sparking along Grantline Road and Keifer Blvd at around 1:00 pm on Friday, June 12, the fire was immediately described as burning at a rapid rate of spread with already 150 acres in size as it burned in grasses and other light vegetation as its growth was fanned by heavy wind. Within several hours the fire would jump firebreaks and expand to 700 acres to then 2,000 acres as multiple agencies from in and around Sacramento County aided in containment. The fireline had also damaged one structure. By 6:00 pm that evening, the fire had ballooned to but fire activity had largely subsided due to the burn area being predominantly light flashy fuels, as the fire was 30% contained. Although the fire continued to remain inactive and the acreage would not grow any futher, full containment would not be reached until June 17, 2020.