Grantley is an inner harbor, opening into the northeast corner of the bay of Port Clarence. The sand pits at the opening of the bay are named Points Spencer and Jackson after the officers of the Navy. It is a marshy and low land with many lakes. Point Spencer, the extremity of the low sand spit which extends from the coast, forms the south and west sides of the harbor. At the extreme eastern end of the bay are two narrow sand spits, extending from the northern and southern shores, which enclose Grantley Harbor. The harbor's entrance is about in width, from east to west, and from north to south. At the extreme eastern end of Grantley Harbor is a second strait, about wide, which connects with a third body of water, Imourouk Lake. To the north of Grantley Harbor, Muck-a-Charlie Peak rises to a peak. On its eastern side, the harbor connect with a channel of water long which passes hills measuring at least in height on each side. The Agiapuk River flows parallel with Grantley Harbor for about, separated by an upland. The settlement of Nook was at one time situated on the south side of the harbor's mouth. The depth of water in the bay is adequate for ships to ply. The Bluestone Rivergold mining region is situated south of the harbor. Several streams empty into the harbor, including Coyote, Dese, and Sunset creeks. Moss-covered lowland of Sunest Creek borders Grantley Harbor. Iglook Creek enters the harbor east of Sunset Creek. The short streams which flow into the harbor are of 2–3 miles length of which two are from the southern end and four from the northern side. Their origin is in the Mountain Mokacharni and flows through a dissected plateau forming the upland.
Geological formation in harbor area consists of Nome series bed rocks, folded graphite slates with some amount coal veins in the valleys of the creeks that flow into the harbor. A study of the geological map of the region shows extensive greenstone at the eastern part of the bay which is inferred as an intrusive in limestone formations that are placed below the slate formation. Limestone formations are noted in the northern stream that flow into the harbor and to the west of the harbor Ordovicianfossils are found in the limestone formations. The northern shore of the harbor has bed rock formations of mica-schist and greenstone. The Mukhacharni Mountain and its two adjoining mountains have basaltic rock formations of volcanic origin of pre-Pleistocene age.
was found in 1900 in three of the creeks that flow into the harbour when stakes have been claimed. These formations carry mineralized quartz. Gold has been extracted from Sunset Creek and Igloo Creek also.