Great North

Great North is a liberal, regionalist, federalist and somewhat separatist political party, based in Northern Italy. The party proposes federalism and liberal economics, aimed at reducing "the size of the state in order to free enterprises, workers and communities, always putting who works and produce first". GN also adheres to the Oxford Manifesto, and the values of the Liberal International.


The party was founded in December 2017, by prominent former members of Lega Nord, including Marco Reguzzoni, Roberto Bernardelli, Fabrizio Comencini, Angelo Alessandri, Giuseppe Leoni, Oreste Rossi, Francesca Martini and Marco Desiderati.
Some of them had been loyalists of Umberto Bossi, founder and leader of LN until April 2012, and had left that party in opposition to Roberto Maroni and Matteo Salvini, Bossi's successors; others had opposed Bossi, and left the LN decades ago.
All of them opposed Salvini's "populist" turn and his "Italian national" strategy. Bossi attended the party's founding convention, but did not join. In the general election of 2018, GN fielded candidates only in a few constituencies and obtained a mere 0.1% of the vote.

Electoral results

Italian Parliament

Regional Councils