Great Northeast Athletic Conference

The Great Northeast Athletic Conference is a collegiate athletic conference affiliated with the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III.


Cross Country
Field hockey
Swimming & Diving
Track & Field

Member schools

Full members

† - Women's college, therefore not competing in men's sports
Suffolk will leave the GNAC in 2020 to join the Commonwealth Coast Conference. The GNAC will replace Suffolk with Dean, which will move from the New England Collegiate Conference at the same time.

Future member

Associate members

Membership timeline

DateFormat = yyyy
ImageSize = width:1000 height:auto barincrement:20
Period = from:1995 till:2025
TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal
PlotArea = right:20 left:0 bottom:50 top:5 #> to display a count on left side of graph, use "left:20" to suppress the count, use "left:20"<#
Colors =
id:barcolor value:rgb

id:line value:black

id:bg value:white
id:Full value:rgb # Use this color to denote a team that is a member in all sports
id:FullxF value:rgb # Use this color to denote a team that is a member in all sports except for football
id:AssocF value:rgb # Use this color to denote a team that is a member for football only
id:AssocOS value:rgb # Use this color to denote a team that is a member in some sports, but not all
id:OtherC1 value:rgb # Use this color to denote a team that has moved to another conference
id:OtherC2 value:rgb # Use this color to denote a team that has moved to another conference where OtherC1 has already been used, to distinguish the two
width:15 textcolor:black shift: anchor:from fontsize:s
bar:1 color:FullxF from:1995 till:end text:Albertus Magnus
bar:2 color:FullxF from:1995 till:2008 text:Daniel Webster
bar:3 color:FullxF from:1995 till:end text:Emmanuel
bar:4 color:FullxF from:1995 till:2013 text:Emerson
bar:5 color:FullxF from:1995 till:end text:Endicott
bar:6 color:FullxF from:1995 till:end text:Johnson &; Wales
bar:7 color:FullxF from:1995 till:2012 text:Pine Manor
bar:8 color:FullxF from:1995 till:end text:Rivier
bar:9 color:FullxF from:1995 till:end text:Saint Joseph
bar:10 color:FullxF from:1995 till:end text:Simmons
bar:11 color:FullxF from:1995 till:2020 text:Suffolk
bar:12 color:FullxF from:1998 till:end text:Norwich
bar:13 color:FullxF from:1998 till:2008 text:Southern Vermont
bar:14 color:FullxF from:1998 till:2007 text:Western New England
bar:15 color:FullxF from:2007 till:end text:Lasell
bar:16 color:FullxF from:2007 till:2018 text:Mount Ida
bar:17 color:FullxF from:2007 till:end text:Saint Joseph's
bar:18 color:FullxF from:2011 till:end text:Anna Maria
bar:19 color:FullxF from:2017 till:end text:Regis
bar:20 color:FullxF from:2018 till:end text:Colby–Sawyer
bar:21 color:FullxF from:2020 till:end text:Dean
ScaleMajor = gridcolor:line unit:year increment:2 start:1995