The greater ring counts 15 main crossroads with other main roads in Brussels. Starting from the north and going clockwise, those crossroads are:
Gros Tilleul/Dikke Linde: where motorway A12 starts, leading to Antwerp via Willebroek
Van Praet: crossroad with the Quai des Usines/Werkhuizenkaai and the Avenue de Vilvorde/Vilvoordselaan
Josaphat: crossroad with Avenue Chazal/Chazallaan located at the eastern end of the Josaphat park
Meiser: crossroad with the Chaussée de Louvain/Leuvensesteenweg as well as the Avenue Rogier/Rogierlaan and the Avenue Eugène Plasky/Eugène Plaskylaan
Reyers: where motorway A3, leading to E40, starts; connecting to Germany via Leuven and Liège, this is also the crossroad with Avenue de Roodebeek/Roodebeeklaan, Avenue des cerisiers/Kerselarenlaan and Avenue du Diamant/Diamantlaan; the Belgian national radios and televisions are also located next to this intersection
Arsenal/Arsenaal: crossroad with the Chaussée de Wavre and the Boulevard du Triomphe/Triomflaan
Couronne/Kroon: crossroad with the Avenue de la Couronne/Kroonlaan
La Cambre/Ter Kameren: crossroad with the Avenue Louise/Louizalaan, where the greater ring enters the Bois de La Cambre/Ter Kameren Bos
Vanderkindere: crossroad with Avenue Brugmann/Brugmannlaan and rue Vanderkindere/Vanderkinderelaan
Albert: crossroad with Chaussée d'Alsemberg/Alsembergse Steenweg
Paepsem: crossroad with Boulevard Industriel/Industrielaan
Dupuis: crossroad with Boulevard Sylvain Dupuis/Sylvain Dupuislaan
Prince de Liège/Prins van Luik: crossroad with Chaussée de Ninove/Ninoofsesteenweg and Boulevard Prince de Liège/Prins van Luiklaan
Basilique/Basiliek: crossroad with Boulevard Leopold II/Leopold II Laan next to the Basilica
Road names
The roads that form the greater ring are the following, starting from the Gros Tilleul/Dikke Linde crossroad and going clockwise:
Avenue Van Praet/Van Praetlaan and Avenue des Croix du Feu/Vuurkruisenlaan
Boulevard Lambermont/Lambermontlaan
Boulevard Général Wahis/Generaal Wahislaan
Boulevard Auguste Reyers/Auguste Reyerslaan
Boulevard Brand Whitlock/Brand Whitlocklaan
Boulevard Saint-Michel/Sint-Michielslaan
Boulevard Louis Schmidt/Louis Schmidtlaan
Boulevard Général Jacques/Generaal Jacqueslaan
Avenue du Congo/Congolaan
Avenue Lloyd George/Lloyd Georgelaan
Avenue de Flore/Floralaan
Avenue de Diane/Dianalaan
Avenue de la Lisière
Avenue Winston Churchill/Winston Churchilllaan
Avenue Albert/Albertlaan
Avenue Besme/Besmelaan and then Avenue Reine Marie-Henriette/Koningin Maria-Hendrikalaan or Avenue des Villas and then Avenue du Mont Kemmel
Avenue Wielemans Ceuppens/Wielemans Ceuppenslaan
Avenue du Pont de Luttre/Luttrebruglaan
Rue du Charroi/Gerijstraat
Boulevard Paepsem/Paepsemlaan
Avenue Frans Van Kalken/Frans Van Kalkenlaan
At this point the greater ring is discontinued but can be joined via Boulevard Briand Aristide/Briand Aristidelaan, Avenue Eugène Ysaÿe/Eugène Ysayelaan and Avenue Théo Verbeeck/Théo Verbeecklaan. Then the greater ring resumes:
Rue René Henry/René Henrystraat
Rue de la Compétition
Boulevard Maria Groeninckx De May/Maria Groeninckx De Maylaan
The greater ring is extensively used by public transport. Between Boileau and Diamant, 4 underground tram stations are connected by a tunnel for trams, which lies under the greater ring. This tunnel is used by tram routes 7 and 25. Albert underground tram station is also located under the greater ring at the Albert crossroad, where the tram routes 3 and 4 join the greater ring, route 3 stopping 3 stops later at Churchill whereas route 4 leaves the ring two stops later at Vanderkindere. Tram route 7 actually starts at the Vanderkindere crossing and follows the greater ring up to Gros Tilleul, only to leave the greater ring after having crossed the Royal Domain to end at Heysel. This makes it the route which drives the most along the ring. Old route 24 also started at Vanderkindere and ran up to Princesse Elisabeth stop only to terminate at the next stop at Schaerbeek railway station. Route 25 joins the ring at Buyl stop coming from Boondael railway station, follows it up to Meiser stop and terminates at Rogier metro station. Bus route 49 follows the ring on two occasions, first as it joins the Rue du Pont de Luttre at stop Wiels, coming from Brussels South railway station. It then leaves the ring at stop Veeweyde metro station, to come back at stop Peterbos up to stop Leopold I.