
GridWay is an open-source meta-scheduling technology that enables large-scale, secure, reliable and efficient sharing of computing resources, managed by different Distributed Resource Management Systems, such as SGE, HTCondor, PBS or LSF, within a single organization or scattered across several administrative domains. To this end, GridWay supports several Grid middlewares.


GridWay provides end users and application developers with a scheduling framework similar to that found on local DRMS, allowing to submit, monitor, synchronize and control jobs by means of a DRMS-like command line interface and DRMAA.
GridWay performs job execution management and resource brokering, allowing unattended, reliable, and efficient execution of jobs, array jobs, or complex jobs on heterogeneous, dynamic and loosely coupled Grids. GridWay performs all the job scheduling and submission steps transparently to the end user and adapts job execution to changing Grid conditions by providing fault recovery mechanisms, dynamic scheduling, migration on-request and opportunistic migration. The GridWay framework is a light component for meta-scheduling in the intended for end users and grid application developers.