Grigore Turcuman

Grigore Turcuman was a Bessarabian Romanian politician, Member of Sfatul Țării. He voted the Union of Bessarabia with the Kingdom of Romania.


Grigore Turcuman was born in a Romanian family from Soroca district. He served as Navy officer in the Imperial Russian Navy, during the World War I. After the beginning of the Russian Revolution he came back to Bessarabia, being elected in November 21, 1917 Member of "Sfatul Țării", as representative of the Bessarabian Romanian soldiers and officers.
Representing the opinion of the Majority, he voted the Union of Bessarabia with the Kingdom of Romania.
Later he was advanced in rank of Navy Captain, in the Romanian Royal Navy - the Black Sea Division.
As member of the Romanian National Liberal Party, he was involved in the administration of the Soroca District, being Sub-prefect between 1933–1937.
For his political activity, as Romanian Unionist, in 1940 he was captured by the Soviet NKVD, being exterminated in Gulag.
