Grimston-Lyles Hill ware

Grimston-Lyles Hill ware or Grimston ware is an Early and Middle Neolithic pottery originally named after the site where it was found in the north east of England, "Hanging Grimston", a long barrow in the former East Riding area of Yorkshire.
In 1974, Isobel Smith expanded this term because she discovered the vessels spread across the British Isles to Lyles Hill in Northern Ireland. The vessels represent the earliest pottery style of the British Stone Age.
The long-lasting Grimston-Lyles Hill ware is characterized by its use of fine materials, good workmanship and kumpf-like shapes with a shoulder profile and turned-over edge. More recently, the term "carinated bowl" or "shouldered bowl" has been preferred, although there are also shoulderless specimens. All are unadorned.
Alison Sheridan makes a distinction between the earliest manifestation of pottery, the "traditional CB" and its later developments, "modified CB". "Traditional CB" pottery is significantly more consistent and distributed across a wide area in Great Britain and Ireland, while "modified CB" shows regional differences.
