Grogol Petamburan

Grogol Petamburan is a subdistrict of West Jakarta, Indonesia, roughly bounded by the West Flood Canal to the east, Angke Canal to the west and to the north, and Jakarta-Merak Tollway to the south. It has an area 1,130 ha. As of 2004, the use of the land was 58.0% for housing, 12.5% for offices, 3.8% in parkland, and 2.2% in farmland with the remainder in other uses or idle.
Some of the largest malls in Jakarta — Ciputra, Taman Anggrek and Central Park — are located in Grogol Petamburan's Tanjung Duren Selatan Administrative Village. The universities of Tarumanegara and Trisakti are also located in Grogol Petamburan, in Tomang Administrative Village.

Administrative villages

Grogol Petamburan is divided into seven Kelurahan :