Gu (surname)

Gu is a Chinese family name. Some places such as South Korea usually romanize this family name as "Koo" or "Ku". It is the 93rd name on the Hundred Family Surnames poem.
The family name is the most common pronounced "Gu", as well as the only one pronounced "Gù" and is ranked #88 on the list of top Chinese family names, according to the 2006 Chinese census.



Northern lineage

The survivors of uncultured unknown kingdom adopted the name and became the northern lineage of the family Gu. After the area annexed by Shang Dynasty.

Southern lineage

A second, southern lineage of the family Gu came around the Spring and Autumn period. Although they technically did not obtain that name until the Han Dynasty. The Southern lineage of Gu family makes up the majority of all those who bear the name today. A book of family tree was published.
The Gu family traces its origins to the Yue Kingdom, which was later destroyed around 306 BC during the Warring States period and partitioned between Chu and Qi. At the beginning of the Han dynasty, the 7th generation descendant of King Goujian of Yue was named Yao, a regional warlord. He assisted the royal family of the Han dynasty in establishing the new dynasty. For his service, the Han emperor rewarded Yao with the title of "King of Eastern Sea". Yao later bestowed his own son the title of "Duke of Gu Yu". Thus his descendants proclaimed themselves the last name "Gu", and called "Gu Yao" as the 1st Ancestor of "Gu".
According to a 2002 article similar trace of that family was confirmed through historical archives. Other commentaries are found at and

Most recent

The surviving members of disputed official changed their names and concealed their royal bloodline to hide their shame. One of the adopted names was Gu.


This family name can be found mostly in eastern and southern Chinese provinces, especially in Jiangsu, Northern Zhejiang, and around the city of Shanghai. This surname can also be found in Korea, Vietnam and Indonesia.

Notable people


Prominent bearer of this surname include: