Gunter Jahn

Gunter Jahn was German U-boat commander during World War II. He was born in Hamburg, Germany and began his naval career in April 1931 as a Seekadett. He first served on the light cruiser Nürnberg for more than two years, including nine patrols in the first year of the war.
In March 1941 Jahn joined the U-boat force and his first patrol were on board in September 1941. Later in November he commissioned. On his second patrol he broke through the Strait of Gibraltar and went on to become one of the most successful U-boat commanders in the Mediterranean Sea. In July 1943 he left the boat and became the commander of the 29th U-boat Flotilla. In September 1944 he fell into French captivity, where he spent nearly two years.

Summary of career


16 August 1942SueciaSC-954,966Sunk
20 September 1942Empire HartebeesteSC-1005,676Sunk
7 February 1943HMS LCI 162246Sunk
9 March 1943Empire StandardKMS-107,047Damaged
30 March 1943Fort NormanKMS-107,133Damaged
30 March 1943Fort a la CorneET-167,133Sunk
30 March 1943HallangerET-169,551Sunk
