Gushegu District

The Gushegu District is one of the twenty districts in the Northern Region of north Ghana. Gushegu district is carved out of the former Eastern Dagomba district, and is the third largest district in Northern region. The capital is Gushegu which is 105 kilometres north east of Tamale, the capital of the Northern Region.


To the north are East Mamprusi District and West Mamprusi District, to the south the Yendi District. The Saboba-Chereponi District is to the east and the Savelugu-Nanton District lies to the west.


The major and only town is the capital Gushegu, and the major villages in the district are:


There are weaving and smock sewing centres at Karaga and Kpatinga. Being developed are the Daka Forest Reserve with a large monkey population and the Karaga Forest Resreve. The Greenwich Meridian passes through Namangbeni.