Gustav Kadelburg
Gustav Kadelburg was a Hungarian-German Jewish actor, dramatist, writer.
He made his first appearance at Leipzig in 1869, and two years later played at the Wallnertheater in Berlin. He was very successful in comedy parts, but abandoned the stage to write comedies and farces.
In 1908 The Manchester Guardian reviewed Der Weg zur Holle, his farce over three acts, then playing at the Midland Theatre. While chiding the lack of originality, the reviewer praised the pace - neither too quick to exhaust nor too slow to see the chinks.Literary works
His best-known plays are:
- Migräne
- Voltaire wird verbrannt
- Der wilde Baron
- Goldfische
- Die berühmte Frau
- '
- Die Orientreise
- Zwei glückliche Tage
- In Zivil
- Mauerblümchen
- Der Herr Senator
- Zwei Wappen
- Zum wohltätigen Zweck
- Hans Huckebein
- The White Horse Inn
- Auf der Sonnenseite
- Als ich wiederkam
- Das Bärenfell
- Die strengen Herren
- Das schwache Geschlecht
- Das Pulverfass
- Der neue Vormund
- Das Theaterdorf
- Der blinde Passagier
- Familie Schierke
- Der Familientag
- Der Weg zur Hölle
- Husarenfieber
- Der letzte Funke
- Die Tür ins Freie
- Der dunkle Punkt
- '
- So bummeln wir
- Im grünen Rock
- Die Schöne vom Strand
- Der Reisebegleiter
- Is Matrimony a Failure?, directed by James Cruze
- Hussar Fever, directed by Georg Jacoby
- The Schimeck Family, directed by Georg Jacoby
- The White Horse Inn, directed by Richard Oswald
- When I Came Back, directed by Richard Oswald
- Fabulous Lola, directed by Richard Eichberg
- Zwei glückliche Tage, directed by Rudolf Walther-Fein
- The White Horse Inn, directed by Karel Lamač
- White Horse Inn, directed by Benito Perojo
- The White Horse Inn, directed by Willi Forst
- The Great Lola, directed by Hans Deppe
- ', directed by Georg Jacoby
- The White Horse Inn, directed by Werner Jacobs
- Summer in Tyrol, directed by Erik Balling
- ', directed by