Gusztáv Bölcskei

Dr. Gusztáv Bölcskei is a Hungarian reformed bishop and a theologian. He is the former clerical president of the Synod of the Reformed Church in Hungary and bishop of Debrecen. Bölcskei is Executive Committee Member of the World Communion of Reformed Churches, former president of WCRC Europe, and a professor of church sociology at Debrecen Reformed Theological University.

Life and career

Bölcskei was born on 30 July 1952 in Szamoskér, Hungary, as the 6th child of a minister of the Reformed Church in Hungary. He received his primary education in Szamoskér, then at age 14 he went to the Grammar school of the famous Debrecen Reformed College in Debrecen, Hungary. He finished school in 1970, and worked for a year in a state foster home in Nyírmártonfalva, as a non-qualified educator. Between 1971 and 1976 he studied at Debrecen Reformed Theological University.
He spent the academic year 1977/78 with a scholarship at University of Tübingen, Germany. From 1979 he taught as a tutor in theology at Debrecen Reformed Theological Academy. In December 1984 Bölcskei started to teach RE in the Grammar School of Debrecen reformed College.
He became chair of Department of Social Ethic at Debrecen Reformed Theological University in 1990. In the 90's he was twice elected to be head of the university, and also the College. He received a Doctorate from Gáspár Károli University of the Reformed Church in 1994. His dissertation was on the social ethic of Arthur Rich. From 2015 to 2017, he was the rector of the Reformed Theological University.
Two universities awarded him Honorary Doctorates: Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania in 2003, and the in 2005.

Pastor and Bishop

From 2006 to 2011 he was president of WCRC Europe and Executive Committee Member of the World Communion of Reformed Churches.

Main publications