Gwesela West

Gwesela West is ward number 9 of the 33 wards in Zibagwe Rural District Council of Kwekwe District. Its center is at Senkwasi Irrigation Scheme 14.5 km north east of Zhombe Joel and 14.5 km south of Columbina Rural Service Center.
Kwekwe is 55.5 km south-east and Kadoma 67 km north-east.


The ward gets its name from Chief Gwesela who is the traditional leader of this ward, parts of Empress Mine Ward and Zhombe Central Ward.


The Zibagwe Rural District Council runs the ward and at present the ward is represented by a female councillor, on a ZANU-PF ticket.

Public Service

The center is one of the 46 polling stations in this Zombe Constituency set by ZEC, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission.
The other polling stations in this ward are
The current ) Member of Parliament for Zombe Constituency Hon. Daniel Mackenzie Ncube comes from this ward.

Business Centers

Primary School
Secondary School
The larger irrigation scheme is Ngondoma Irrigation Scheme 18 km north, in Mabura Ward.

Health Center

The clinic serves people from parts of wards 8 and 10 and almost the whole of Gwesela West.
Senkwasi clinic is the 1336th of the 1390 health centers in Zimbabwe and the 16th of the 46 in Kwekwe District according to 2004 statistics.

Neighbouring Wards

This ward includes areas like Champeni, Fafi and Vulamachena.

Animal Health Services