The story revolves around Jan Zaru and her quest to restore peace in the world. Jan Zaru with Captain Fatz and the Seahorse's crew travel around the world to collect the peace stones and restore the balance of the elements.
Seahorse's Crew
Captain Fatz is a pirate from the land of water. He is the gluttonous captain of the Seahorse he travels around the world with Lady Maid, Wave Knight, Tushi Warashi. He has a pet parrot. While on his travels he bumps into Gay and was cursed and turned fat. The crew was later joined by Jan Zaru and Gorgo Machi. He currently travels with his crew to collect the peace stones to restore peace in the world and break the curse cast upon him by Gay. He is the elemental warrior of Water. Captain Fatz is skilled a swordsman and a cunning pirate. He has the ability to wield the eight peace stones. As Captain Gatz Aqua, he can use the powers of water. He can also use the powers of the other elements depending on the peace stone he wields.
Tuchi Warashi
Wave Knight
Lady Maid and Hotsei
Jan Zaru is a warrior from the land of light. She was tasked by the priestess of light to collect the eight peace stones to keep the balance of power in the world. During her journey to collect the stones she met Gay and was transformed to a monkey by Gay's curse. She is currently traveling with the Captain Fatz and the Seahorse's crew. Still collecting the stones and trying to restore peace in the world. She always get into a squabble with Captain Fatz. She dislikes Captain Fatz' lazy and gluttonous ways. She has a crush on Captain Gatz. She doesn't know that Captain Fatz and Captain Gatz are the same being.
Gorgo Machi is the younger sister of Gorgo Girl. She is a shy little girl. She met the Captain Fatz and the gang in the land of Darkness. She helped the Seahorse's crew defeat Gay's minions. She tagged along with the gang to find her sister and help search for the peace stones. Gorgo Machi changes to Gorgo Fairy when she cries. Gorgo Fairy is more mature and wears a sexier outfit. She carries a skull wand. She also now has snake hairs. Her tears can transform Jan Zaru to Jan Zaruko. She gave a vial of her tears to Jan Zaru. As Gorgo Fairy she can remove Gay's control over other beings.
Matatabi Maru
Gorgo Girl
'''Eight Elemental Warriors
Captain Gatz Aqua
Super Jan Zaruko
Super Gorgoness
Super Otakebi Maru
Super Tuchinko
Super Idisu Saber
Super Gold Remu
Super Guramax
Peace Stones
Peace Stones are discs that is used to balance the forces of nature. It allows the elemental warrior to super transform and wield its power. There are one peace stone of each of the elements below: