
Gyps is a genus of Old World vultures that was proposed by Marie Jules César Savigny in 1809. Gyps vultures have a slim head, a long slender neck with downy feathers, and a ruff around the neck formed by long buoyant feathers. The crown of their big beaks is a little compressed, and their big dark nostrils are set transverse to the beak. They have six or seven wing feathers, of which the first is the shortest and the fourth the longest.
Gyps comprises the following species:
ImageNameDistribution and IUCN Red List status
Griffon vulture G. fulvus
White-rumped vulture G. bengalensis India
Cape vulture G. coprotheres Southern Africa
Indian vulture G. indicus Pakistan, India and Nepal
Slender-billed vulture G. tenuirostris Gray, 1844India
Rüppell's vulture G. ruppelli Sahel
White-backed vulture G. africanus Salvadori, 1865West and East Africa
Himalayan vulture G. himalayensis Hume, 1869
† Maltese vulture G. melitensis Lydekker, 1890Fossil remains were found in Middle to Late Pleistocene sites all over the central and eastern Mediterranean.
G. bochenskii Boev, 2010Fossil remains were found near Varshets in northwestern Bulgaria that were dated to the Late Pliocene.