HCM-6A is an LAE galaxy that was found in 2002 by a team led by Esther Hu from the University of Hawaii, using the Keck II Telescope in Hawaii. HCM-6A is located behind the Abell 370 galactic cluster, near M77 in the constellation Cetus, which enabled the astronomers to use Abell 370 as a gravitational lens to get a clearer image of the object.
HCM-6A was the farthest object known at the time of its discovery. It exceeded SSA22−HCM1 as the most distant normal galaxy known, and quasar SDSSp J103027.10+052455.0 as the most distant object known. In 2003, SDF J132418.3+271455 was discovered, and took over the title of most remote object known, most remote galaxy known, and most remote normal galaxy known.