HD 111232

HD 111232 is a star in the southern constellation of Musca. It is too faint to be visible with the naked eye, having an apparent visual magnitude of 7.59. The distance to this star is 94.5 light years based on parallax. It is drifting away from the Sun with a radial velocity of +104 km/s, having come to within some 264,7000 years ago. The absolute magnitude of this star is 5.25, indicating it would have been visible to the naked eye at that time.
This is an ancient, thick disk population II star with an estimated age of twelve billion years. It is a G-type main-sequence star with a stellar classification of G8 V Fe-1.0, indicating an anomalous underabundance of iron in the stellar atmosphere. The star has 80% of the mass of the Sun and 88% of the Sun's radius. It is spinning slowly with a projected rotational velocity of 0.4 km/s. X-ray emission has not been detected, suggesting a low level of coronal activity. The star is radiating 70% of the luminosity of the Sun from its photosphere at an effective temperature of 5,648 K.
A planetary companion was detected by the CORALIE team, based on observations beginning in 2003.