HMPNGS Rabaul (P01)

HMPNGS Rabaul was the first Pacific Forum patrol vessel to be commissioned, in May 1987. She is not the first vessel to go out of service, because her sister ship from Fiji RFNS Kiro was wrecked in 2016.
She arrived in Port Moresby, for disposal, on October 24, 2018.
Originally she sailed under the name HMPNGS Tarangau.
Australia gave Papua New Guinea four vessels, and gave an additional eighteen vessels to neighboring countries in the Pacific Forum. Australia gave these vessels to her smaller neighbors after the United Nations Convention of the Laws of the Sea established that maritime nations had Exclusive Economic Zone. Australia gave these vessels so its neighbours could police their own sovereignty.


Australia designed the vessels using commercial off-the-shelf technology, so small countries would find them easier to maintain, in small remote shipyards. Australia fully equipped the ships, prior to delivery, with the exception of providing armament, but they are capable of mounting an autocannon on the foredeck.


Australia started building a new, larger, and more capable class of patrol vessels, to replace the Pacific Forum class. Rabaul was replaced by, in December 2018.

Operational history

Rabaul and her sister ships played a role in the Bouganville conflict.