
Hažlín is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.


In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1414.


The municipality lies at an altitude of 270 metres and covers an area of 20.093 km².
It has a population of about 1185 people.

Genealogical resources and facts

The records for genealogical research are available at the state archive "Statny Archiv in Presov, Slovakia"
The surname "Hažlínsky" and its variants—e.g., "Haszlinsky" —denote one with roots in Hažlín. According to FamilySearch, the surname first appeared in Gaboltov and not Hažlín. Incidentally, this also makes likely that Mickey Haslin 's father, George Hazlinsky, was solely Matrilineally Jewish and not Jewish because of both parents (This is important to note because George Hazlinsky and his brothers were maternal siblings of a Katherine Ushinsky Gajdos, née Uszinskyovà; and she was Jewish through both her own paternal line and her and George's maternal line, that of Zsuzsanna "Anna" Jaszová Haszlinskyová Uszinskyová