Haitian Chilean

Haitian Chileans, are Chilean citizens of full or partial Haitian ancestry.


It's one of the migrations that have grown the most in Chile in recent years, with 731% between 2013 and 2016, a period in which the arrival of 41,000 people is estimated. Prior to 2013, some 4,000 Haitian immigrants were estimated while In the 2002 census, the Haitian population living in Chile was only 50 people. The vast majority of Haitians in Chile arrived as tourists since they did not need to apply for one beforehand, and then overstayed without returning to Haiti. Following the election of Sebastian Piñera who ran on a platform of stemming this illegal immigration, the visa-free entry for Haitians was cancelled.
In 2017 there were 105,000 Haitians in Chile. By the end of 2019 this number had grown considerably but data is difficult to come by as many have transitory immigration status and may be missed by the census.